PARSIPPANY — The food was delicious and the laughs were plentiful at the Second Annual Spaghetti Dinner and Comedian Night held on Saturday, January 26 at the Boonton Elks. Boy Scout Troop 72 worked very hard in helping preparing the food, serving and cleaning up.
The room was packed with guests waiting to see the comedians from the Comedy Shoppe featuring Teddy Daniels, KP Burke and Joe Conte.
Special thanks to the sponsors: IHOP – Parsippany, Cedar Knolls, Perfect Pitch, QuickChek, ShopRite of Cedar Knolls, CSW Catering, Wreaths by Retta, Vera Bradley, Zerega, Samantha Jachs Cakes and Pastries, Donna Wojcik, Eccola, Lucy Ellicott – Avon, Boy Scout Troop 72 and Hounds Town.