PARSIPPANY — The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills (WCPTH) held its 37th Annual Tee Off for Education Golf Classic & Luncheon Fundraiser at the Knoll West Country Club on July 10th. This is the primary fundraiser for the club’s educational programs and scholarships. WCPTH club member Marilyn Zarzycki chaired the successful fundraiser for the first time. All $13,000 raised will go back to Parsippany students (open to both male and female students) in educational programs such as scholarships to graduating high school seniors, Citizenship Awards to graduating 8th graders, 5th Grade Reading Awards, a Spelling Bee, Dr. Seuss Birthday events and library donations.
180 participants attended the event. While the golf enthusiasts took to the course, other attendees enjoyed a morning of bridge and games. Later, everyone enjoyed lunch and an afternoon of bidding on Tricky Tray prizes donated from over 70 local vendors. A 50/50 Raffle drawing concluded the event.

The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills is a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs, which is the largest volunteer women’s service organization in the state, providing opportunities for education, leadership training, and community service. WCPTH has demonstrated its commitment to the community through an impressively wide range of community service endeavors. The Club has served the township and the state with initiatives to support not only education, but also home life, conservation and more. WCPTH is very proud to have been instrumental in the founding of the Parsippany Library and the Parsippany Child Day Care Center. Today the Woman’s Club is involved with the Parsippany Food Pantry, American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, Jersey Battered Women’s Service and Child Abuse Prevention – NJ. And the club also supports Boatsie’s Boxes for the military serving overseas, UNICEF, Heifer International and other worthy and charitable causes.
Membership is available to women who live in the Parsippany Troy-Hills area. Guests are always welcome at meetings, and new members are received monthly. Please contact Marilyn or Betty (Membership Chairwomen) if interested in attending a meeting at Please note: you must attend a meeting prior to submitting an application for membership.