PARSIPPANY — On Saturday, May 5 and Sunday, May 6 Cerbo Parsippany Greenhouse (and its vendors) will be matching 50% of all sales from Bonide products, to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS).
When a customer purchases selected Bonide products, control products, fertilizer, and grass seeds a matching donation of 50% of sales on their lines to the charity. We have chosen the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). Melissa Cassafranca, an active member of LLS, will be at Cerbo Parsippany Greenhouse both days to explain uses of the products and to offer free blood pressure testing and will have some giveaways.
Cerbo Parsippany Greenhouse is located at 440 Littleton Road.
The Parsippany Farmers Market returns at the Cerbo Parsippany Greenhouse starting on Saturday, June 16 and run every Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. until the end of October.
“My great-grandfather started the company 105 years ago, and it began as a roadside farmer’s market in the same spot,” said Tyler Cerbo, a fourth-generation operator of Cerbo’s Greenhouse and Nursery on Littleton Road.
Expanding over the years to include trees, shrubs, greenhouse flowers and a retail store — businesses that have fallen off in recent years — Cerbo’s took another step forward with the establishment of a community-supported agriculture program.
Cerbo’s Parsippany Greenhouse has a large assortment of items for your seasonal flowers, trees & shrubs, plus soil and landscaping.