PARSIPPANY — The Township Council voted unanimously on April 4 on Resolution R2017-053 for the road reconstruction project for Tarn Drive and Moraine Road for a total bid price of $1,015,889.10.
Ann Cucci, Chief Financial Officer, certified the availability of funds in the following: Current Capital Ordinance #’s 2015:22 and 2016:16, both entitled “Various Improvements.”

The project includes replacing granite block curb and resurfacing the roadway as well as replacing numerous fire hydrants.
Estimated materials will be: 715 cubic yards of Roadway Excavation, 16,400 Square Yard of Hot Mix Asphalt Milling, 815 Tons of 3″ or Less Dense Graded Aggregate, 1,100 Tons of 4″ Thick HMA 19M64 Base Course, 2,200 Tons of 5″ Thick HMA 9.5M64 Surface Course, 7,050 Linear Feet of 2″ Thick Granite Block Curb will be replaced or added new; 15 Type B Inlets, 9 Inlets will be Reconstructed, 45 Castings will be reset and 7 Fire Hydrant Units will be replaced.