Thursday, March 27, 2025
HomeLetters to the editorLetter to the editor: "No taxation without Representation"

Letter to the editor: “No taxation without Representation”





lettersDear Editor:

I have been a resident of Parsippany for close to 50 years and during that time I have watched as Parsippany has been the forgotten community when it comes to County Government. Whether it is done on purpose or by accident, it seems that the people in County Government feel that we do NOT need anyone from Parsippany to represent us on the Board of Freeholders..

Again this year there is a concentrated effort to get rid of the only person on the Board of Freeholders who actually lives in Parsippany. That person is John Cesaro. Why do they do this? Is not the largest community in North Western New Jersey deserving of representation on our county government???

I have gotten a ton a fliers telling me this about John Ceasro, telling me that about John Cesaro, but all I know is that we have not had an increase in our country taxes in the three years that Mr. Cesaro has been a Freeholder. Our credit rating has stayed in the excellent range when the state of New Jersey has been dropping like a stone. Young people are moving INTO Morris County instead of out of it.

But, far more important is that John Cesaro IS from Parsippany, he has spent his adult life here in Parsippany, he married a young women who also grew up HERE in Parsippany and Mr. Cesaro and his family live now HERE in Parsippany.

We cannot allow Parsippany to have NO representation on our county governing body, the town that sends the most money to Morris County and we would have no say in how that money is spent if we do not have someone watching of best interest. We have John Cesaro now, lets make sure that we maintain him as OUR representative on the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders.

I urge everyone from Parsippany who votes to lay aside petty party differences, and vote in the Republican Primary in June to keep John Cesaro, FROM PARSIPPANY representing US, republicans, democrats and independents as OUR Chosen Freeholder.

Stephen J. Roman Sr.

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
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