PARSIPPANY — Mayor James R. Barberio and the Township Council invite the public to a special budget meeting on May 9 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to discuss the 2023 Annual Municipal Budget. The departments attending the meeting will be Planning, Zoning, Construction; Recreation; Water; Sewer, and the Knoll.
Formal action may or may not be taken, and any other action reasonably related thereto may also be taken.
The budget process is about maximizing opportunities to be transparent with public funds and to encourage members of the public to be involved in the process so that they are fully informed about the municipal budget. The budget process works best when it involves the Township and the community residents engaging in dialogue to communicate their ideas about the process.
The Special Budget Meeting will be held at the Municipal Building at 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.
The final vote and potential adoption will occur right after the official Budget Hearing at the Tuesday, May 16 Council Meeting.