Dear Editor:
The concerted effort by the majority of the Parsippany Town Council to discredit Justin Musella for a speeding incident that occurred two years ago is an abhorrent act of political retribution that most residents will find reprehensible.
More than ever, the Town Council’s censure has not only motivated me to more ardently support Musella for Mayor, but it has also convinced me that James Barberio and his cohorts (Carifi, Neglia, and McGrath) are more interested in personal political attacks than working to improve Parsippany. It seems that they are unable to intelligently debate issues important to residents and so they resort to censuring Mr. Musella for an innocuous interaction with a police officer. They quickly identify the speck in Justin’s eye but pay no attention to the plank in their own eye (Matthew 7: 3-5).
I implore Parsippany residents to remain focused on issues important to our Town. Your vote on June 10 will send a strong message that Parsippany deserves a new Mayor and new leadership.
Richard R. Corbett