Sunday, March 9, 2025
HomeLetters to the editorLetter to the Editor: Climate Resolution Causes Accusations of Radical Leftism; Bizzare

Letter to the Editor: Climate Resolution Causes Accusations of Radical Leftism; Bizzare





Dear Editor:

Earth Systems Scientists worldwide have concluded that climate change is caused by human action, the burning of fossil fuels, the return of sequestered carbon from millions and billions of years to the atmosphere, mass deforestation, and the general loss of biodiversity.

We now have a presidential administration that, without proof, is saying this phenomenon does not exist, that it is some type of political hoax, and that it is also without explanation. This administration, instead of moving into a future of sustainability and ecological sense, has chosen to accelerate the extraction of oil, gas, and coal. The exact opposite of what scientifically, humanity needs to do.

The Science of Earth Systems (EES), and Terrestrial Ecologist Scientist have come to the conclusion that mankind is now in an epoch that has been named the Anthropocene, that the previous 12,000 years of relative stable climate systems of earth known as the Holocene has ended. The year given for this sudden change into a new epoch called the Anthropocene, characterized by significant changes in the earth’s climate, is 1950. The proof of this permanent change is absolute!

We now have members of Parsippany’s Board of Education who are saying that these scientists are somehow misleading us, that there is no climate emergency or crisis caused by our way of life based on the continued use of fossil fuels or carbon being emitted back into the atmosphere. In my opinion, it is shameful for a Board of Education to take such a position and see the people who are perpetrating this as something to attach their allegiance to. Shall Parsippany BOE’s next step be to Ban any element of Ecological knowledge or Sciences for its students?

The truth is that this president and his administration are clearly and present dangers to the future.

Denying the existence of man-induced climate change through dangerous deregulation and eliminating government agencies in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This is a complete disregard for the Precautionary Principle of Responsibility to Protect the Public based on Known and Available Scientific Evidence. This should upset every one of us, especially BOE members. These actions involve deliberate deceit, concealment, and breach of trust, all motivated by a criminal motivation for financial gain

Actions based on ignoring established scientific consensus could lead to legal repercussions, particularly when it harms others, such as in situations related to public health or environmental regulations. How is it ok for corporations to harm us through their pollution and degradation of nature, of which we pay the costs for their dominant power over us, but we somehow have no right to petition for their responsible behavior?

I applaud the Parsippany Council Members who voted for this Climate Superfund Resolution. There can be No Sides to Climate. The Science in politics is a corruption that distorts or takes lightly the time we are in. “When you find yourself in a hole, Stop Digging.” This is common sense, or what should be called ecological sense, in our time. If one does not know how the world works ecologically, one cannot remedy or fix anything. In our time, Ecology is Everything.

Lastly, as a senior citizen on a set very modest income, I resent having to pay local taxes to such a board of education of science deniers in support of low-value lies.

Nicholas Homyak

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
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