Dear Editor:
I rejoiced on Monday when President Trump came back to power. America and states like New Jersey suffered a lot under the failed Biden policies. New Jersey has done so much damage to itself by taxing and increasing fees on anything that moves. I’m a beleaguered taxpayer who has found the last couple of years to get out of control with the cost of living. I’ve always voted Republican in Parsippany and went around the state helping President Trump. With how well he did in this state, I thought Republicans would follow suit!
Last night, I couldn’t believe what I read in the Parsippany Focus—3 Republican Councilmembers and 1 Democrat teamed up to support the far-left economy-killing “NJ Climate Superfund Act.” This resolution reflects the very same liberal policies that voters rejected in the last presidential election and should have no place in a Republican town.
I did some research, and those supporting this bill want to establish a new tax on fossil fuel companies for alleged climate damage and create additional layers of bureaucracy, all at the taxpayer’s expense. Like most far-left climate policies, it threatens to stifle economic growth and put middle-class jobs at risk without providing any real solutions.
I watched the video and appreciate Councilman Musella and a few residents who spoke out against this radical resolution. However, I was taken aback by the response from Republican Council Vice President Neglia, who fully supported the resolution by saying, “Absolutely yes.” I expected more from Mayor Barberio, particularly given how critical the business community is to Parsippany. Unfortunately, his only input was reaching out to the League of Municipalities but receiving no response. If this was truly an urgent matter, why rush the vote?
I hadn’t decided who to support in the June primary but it’s clear that we have a local swamp. I will do everything in my power to help drain it by telling all of my friends and neighbors in town that Mayor Barberio and Councilman Neglia are Essex County Democrats in Republican clothing
Donna Marie Astarita
Long time Conservative-Republican and Resident