Dear Editor:

I read John Inglesino’s letter touting the so-called benefits of PILOT Programs from his point of view, which is skewed since the PILOTS benefit him financially. During the hurried passage of three PILOT initiatives in November and December of 2023, it became known that not only was Mr Inglesino on the city payroll to the tune of nearly $200,000, but he was also representing the developers requesting the PILOTS, also known as Tax Abatements.
Mr Inglesino’s duties working for Parsippany last year were to oversee and prosecute requests for OPRA materials and property tax challenges. Therefore, it would appear that since John Inglesino did not recuse himself, he was representing both the city and developer on the same project! To say that was a curious situation would be kind. During many town council meetings, resident after resident questioned the Mayor about how this could be, only to have Mayor Barberio assert that all was well and no conflict of interest was evident to him. The mayor was and still is in the minority in that opinion.
One thing Mr. Inglesino did get correct was that the Board of Education will be fully funded. What he left out was that any shortfall, and at this point in time, it appears certain there will be a shortfall in money from the PILOT projects sooner or later to pay towards the BOE, will have to be made up by the current taxpayers of Parsippany.
Now, the mayor will use every scare tactic he can think of to hype his love affair with all the PILOT programs that will surely be suggested in the coming months. I, for one, will not be taking Mayor Barberio’s statements at face value.
Sherral Suarez