PARSIPPANY — The Township of Parsippany’s Office on Aging honored two resident volunteers, aged 60 and over, who have offered their time and experience to worthwhile projects, causes, or activities that enhance people’s lives. The nominees may be employed, but the volunteer work was only considered.
On Tuesday, April 4, Mayor James Barberio honored two residents: Karen DeChristopher and Karl Riffel.

Karl Riffel has selflessly volunteered his time, talents, and skills for over forty-five. years for, among others, the Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association, Girls Scouts of America, the Parsippany PAL Color Guard, and the Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Squad.
Karl joined the Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Squad along with his Nan in an effort to give back to the community. He helped wherever needed, whether driving the ambulance, patient transport, moving equipment, or supporting the EMS team.
Karl continues his volunteerism at the Parsippany Volunteer Ambulance Squad at the clubhouse, where he is known as the “handyman,” providing upkeep and maintenance on the property.
Also honored was Karen DeChristopher. Karen DeChristopher has selflessly volunteered her time, talents, and skills for over twenty years for, among others, the Parsippany OEM Emergency Response Team, Family Promise, Jersey Battered Women’s Shelter, Kiwanis Club of Parsippany, Woman’s Club of Parsippany and the American Cancer Society; and in 2006, Karen joined the Parsippany CERT Team and, as Senior Leader, volunteered countless hours during Super Storm Sandy, Hurricane Irene, winter storms, flooding events, downed electrical wires, and various other Township emergencies and events.
As a three-time cancer survivor, Karen has volunteered her time to The American Cancer Society in an effort to help others battling the disease, and her passion for volunteering in support of women’s and children’s causes is inspiring and infectious.