PARSIPPANY — The ShopRite truck pulled up to the Parsippany PAL on Thursday morning to make a “large” donation to the Parsippany Food Pantry.
Every Thursday, “Parsippany Supporting our Town” has been hosting a “Food Drive” at the Parsippany PAL to benefit the Parsippany Food Pantry.

It started out with a small van parked outside the PAL, a brainstorm by “Parsippany Supporting our Town” volunteer Rich Leitner. Rich arranged with PAL Director Sam Yodice to start the weekly food drive to help the needy families of Parsippany. Each week the food drive drastically increased. Last week, Sam Yodice challenged the residents of Parsippany and arranged to have a truck. The challenge was accepted and at the end of the day the truck was packed.
Parsippany resident Ann Berdetta started offering to pick up food from local residents and bring the weekly food drive.

Parsippany ShopRite store manager Frank Sblendorio Jr. got on the bandwagon this week and had employees bring two ShopRite trucks to the event stocked with food. Items included ten 25 pound Turkeys, four pallets of shelf products, produce, and even a pallet of candy.

Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany member Gordon Meth dropped off some diapers, Baby food, Baby formula, Paper Towels, Toilet Paper, Canned meats, especially Sausage, Spam, Salmon, Tuna, Anchovies, Chicken, Salmon, and Cereal.