Friday, February 28, 2025
HomeLocal NewsMore Apartments For Parsippany?

More Apartments For Parsippany?

Three story residential apartment building containing 180 rental units, with some parking on lower level





PARSIPPANY — Forge Pond Developers has filed an application with the Zoning Board of Adjustment, seeking permission to convert lands and premises known as Powder Mill Plaza West to a multi-story residential apartment building containing 180 rental units, including 27 affordable housing units.  Currently the property is in the O-T Zoning District. The building and land is assessed at $8,325,800.

The plans indicate 144 one bedroom apartments, 30 two bedroom apartments and 6 three bedroom apartments.

The property located at 2900 Route 10 West is known as Powder Mill Plaza West. Currently the location consists of Bruno’s Italian Bistro, Cinnamon Indian Restaurant, Minado Restaurant, Planet Fitness, and other retail businesses.

According to New Jersey Tax Records the property is owned by Pineview Homes, Inc., located at 51 Gibraltar Drive, Suite 2D, Morris Plains.

Applicant is seeking the following approvals, variances and waivers: Use Variance for the residential units which are not permitted in the zone under Zoning Ordinance; Variance for building height of 47.17 feet where 35 feet is allowed under Zoning Ordinance; “c” Variances as follows: (a) Building lot coverage of 18.6% where 15% is allowed; (b) Building height of 3-4 stories where 2½ stories is allowed; (c) Lot coverage of 64.1% where 60% is allowed; (d) From requirements of Section 225-61 for retaining walls greater than six feet.

The application was first presented on Wednesday, September 4.

The next hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5 starting at 7:30 p.m. at Parsippany-Troy Hills Municipal Building, 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.

According to the State of New Jersey, Forge Pond Developers was formed on June 20, 1997 and the current registered agent is Edward Mosberg, 51 Gibraltar Drive, Suite 2D, Morris Plains.

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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