PARSIPPANY — Sons of Italy held another successful sold out Beefsteak Dinner on Saturday, November 2. The event included all you can eat beefsteak, salad, pasta, beer, wine, soda, coffee, tea and dessert.
Joining the Local Sons of Italy were Sons of Italy New Jersey State Officers who traveled a long way: Diane Santoro, 1st State V.P., Lou Santoro, N.J. Past State President, Steve Camiscioli, 2nd State V.P. and Ralph Cappaccio, Immediate Past State President.

Entertaining the over 200 guests was Uncle Floyd. Floyd Vivino (born October 19, 1951), also known as Uncle Floyd, is an American television, film, and stage performer primarily known for his comedy/variety TV show The Uncle Floyd Show (1974–1998).
All proceeds for the event will go towards support of local charities and families in need.

The Morris County of the Order of Sons of Italy Lodge 2561 is an affiliated member of the Order of the Sons of Italy In America Association, the largest and longest established Italian-American organization in the United States.

Our Morris County Lodge was founded as a non-profit organization, which contributes thousands of dollars to worthwhile local charities and families. Our lodge is proud to be able to serve a small portion of needs to our local communities.
Donations include, but are not limited to, The Parsippany Food Pantry, High School Scholarships, Gift cards to families in need, The Valerie Fund, Alzheimer’s, and many more.
Members of the Morris County Sons of Italy lodge meet once a month at a local restaurant, typically on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Meetings commence at 6:30 p.m. with members discussing monthly lodge business, fundraising, and community charity events and needs in the Morris county area.
For more information on how to join, email Lou Amato, President at