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HomeLocal NewsTwo area residents honored during "Eagle Scout Court of Honor"

Two area residents honored during “Eagle Scout Court of Honor”

PARSIPPANY — At the Eagle Scout Court of Honor for David Albin and Galen Wu held recently at the Morris Plains Community Center David and Galen were presented with the highest advancement of Boy Scouts, the “Eagle Scout.”

The Eagle Scout Award is Scouting’s highest rank and among its most familiar icons. Men who have earned it count it among their most treasured possessions. Those who missed it by a whisker remember exactly which requirement they didn’t complete. Americans from all walks of life know that being an Eagle Scout is a great honor. The award is more than a badge. It’s a state of being. The Eagle Scout may have received the badge as a boy, but you earn it every day as a man. In the words of the Eagle Scout Promise, they do your best each day to make their training and example, their rank and their influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship in the troop, in their community, and in their contacts with other people. And to this they pledge their sacred honor.

The pathway to Eagle can be described as a steep trail leading up to three peaks, the highest being that of Eagle Scout. Officially, the trail starts with the Tenderfoot rank and continues through Second and First Class ranks. Then, the mountain climbing begins. The path is marked with merit badges, leadership responsibilities, service projects, and the practice of Scouting skills and ideals. The first peak reached is that of Star Scout, the second is Life Scout, and, finally, Eagle Scout.

Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men. Only 5% of the Boy Scouts actually earn this rank.

David Arnold Albin
David began his Scouting journey in Morris Plains as a Tiger Scout where he participated in activities and events such as the Pinewood Derby, camping trips with local Boy Scout troops, and attending camp Wheeler in the summer.

David earned his arrow of light award and crossed over to Troop 173, in Parsippany. David spent his entire Scouting career under the guidance of Scoutmasters John Worthington and Les Wu.

During his time in Scouting, David served in a variety of leadership positions, including Instructor, Scribe, Assistant Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, and Troop Guide. David also attended the National Youth Leadership Training Conference in August of 2014, and he went on to serve on the NYL TC staff for the next four years. David enjoyed the position of Troop Guide the most, as it allowed him to help the younger Scouts and encourage them to continue their Scouting journeys. In addition, David accumulated 188 camping nights while in Scouting and has been a member of Scouting’s National Honor Society, the Order of the Arrow, since 2014.

Over his Scouting career David accumulated 101 total service hours where he participated in events to benefit the community such as Pedals for Progress, Scouting for Food, and several Eagle Scout Projects of his peers.

For David’s Eagle Scout project he led several members of his troop in the construction of a wooden compost bin for the Frelinghuysen Arboretum. Built right outside the Arboretum education center, the bin is made of cedar and is 12 feet long. David selected this project to give the Arboretum a way to effectively compost plant waste. In addition, the bin’s proximity to the education center will allow it to be used to educate youth about the benefits of composting. David also led the renovation of an old flagstone path next to the Compost bin, laying down pea gravel and bluestone to create a new and improved path.

David is currently a Freshman at County College of Morris where he is working toward an Associate Degree in Liberal Arts. After completing this degree David plans on transfering to a four year school to complete a bachelor’s degree in Economics.

David remains involved in the Scouting program as a member of Venture Crew 173, and he will be a part of a crew heading to Philmont Scout Ranch this upcoming summer.

David earned 26 Merit Badges including Art, Camping,* Canoeing, Citizenship in the Community,* Citizenship in the Nation,* Citizenship in the World,* Communications,* Cooking,* Disabilities Awareness Environmental Science,* Family Life,* Fingerprinting, First aid,* Fishing, Indian Lore, Kayaking, Leatherworking, Lifesaving,* Metalwork, Personal Fitness,* Personal Management,* Rowing, Small Boat Sailing, Space Exploration, Swimming,* and Wilderness Survival. (Note: *Eagle Required Badge).

Galen J. Wu
Galen started Scouting with Pack #5 of Parsippany, made a bookcase and a few Pinewood Derby cars, earned his Arrow of Light award, and crossed over to Boy Scouts and Troop #173, earning his first merit badge within weeks. His initial Scoutmaster, Ken Galley, played a significant role in keeping Galen in Scouts through his first years.

Despite the fears of a couple leaders, he survived his first week of summer camp with the Troop and the Dan Beard program. Galen worked on showing respect and cheerfulness as he progressed through the ranks to First Class in his first year as a Boy Scout. Galen has held virtually every position of responsibility except Senior Patrol Leader and Quartermaster.

During his time in Scouting, he spent most of his Scouting time working with younger Scouts or camping, although there were also many hours of Magic games, Klondike Derbys, community service, and some Dungeons and Dragons. He earned the National Outdoor Camping Award, Silver Device in 2014 and has spent about 200 nights camping, mostly in a tent. Galen earned his Woodsman’s Thong in 2012 and completed Boy Scouts’ National Youth Leadership Training Course in 2014. The Order of the Arrow(OA) is a service organization and the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America. Galen completed his OA ordeal in 2014 and became a brotherhood member in 2016. Galen attended the 2013 and 2017 National Boy Scout Jamborees at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.

Galen is a founding member and current President of Venture Crew #173. He is looking forward to a twelve day trek this summer at Philmont Scout Camp High Adventure Base with a crew of members from our units. It was originally scheduled for 2018, Philmont’s 50th anniversary, however the entire season was cancelled due to forest fires.

For his Eagle project, Galen created a paved walkway in 2017 between the Richardson History House and the Bethel for the Mount Tabor Historical Society. He appreciated the encouragement and guidance from his Eagle coach and past-Scoutmaster, John Worthington, and help from many Scouts. Galen is homeschooled and has been attending the County College of Morris. He plans to stay in Venture Scouting and join a Bachelors program in engineering in Fall 2019.

Galen earned the following merit badges including Camping,* Citizenship in the Community,* Citizenship in the Nation,* Citizenship in the World,* Communication,* Cooking,* Disability Awareness, Emergency Preparedness,* Environmental Science,* Family Life,* First Aid,* Fingerprinting, Geocaching, Orienteering, Personal Fitness,* Personal Management,* Pioneering, Rifle Shooting, Space Exploration, Swimming,* Wood Carving and Wilderness Survival. (Note: *Eagle required badge).

Boy Scouts of America Troop 173 Eagle Scout Honor Roll includes Norman Schofield, Jr., Michael Gottschalk, James Searing, Geoffrey Brown, John Chervenak, Guy Corbett, Tim Corbett, Robert Burney, Juan Correa, Richard Lauber, Tim Roche, Christopher Callahan, Thomas Cook, Stephen Corcoran, Stephan Pirylis, Brian Stewart, Patrick Roche, Edward Chiorazzi, Brian Pomarlen, Simon Healey, Keith Henderlong, David Chezem, Alex Lin, Robert Strechay, Jr., John Oleske, Daniel Strechay, Joseph Strechay, Kevin Smithers, Joseph Stevens, James Ward, Jason Viglione, Michael DeGuarde, Michael Smith, Tim Foster, Christopher Malcolm, Mark Viglione, Gary Hwang, William Barcliffe, IV, Jonathan Cook, Daniel Aguanno, Anthony Valvano, Eric Kratz, David Kratz, Thomas Corigliano, David Kinskey-Lebeda, Ryan Diggle, Mike Fulton, Dan Fulton, Brian Galley, Shane Moravsik, Paul Rossnagel, Jesse Garbarino, Shay Grabinsky, Joseph Stretavski, Brendan Barwick, Eric Galley, Bobby Ebel, Sean Michie, Michael Ludwig, Matthew Luther, Chris Gardner, Christopher Worthington, Cameron Boone, Daniel Metcalf, Rishi Konkesa, Noah Munn, Erik Darling, Thomas Joseph Catapano, David Lewis Dodd, III, Michael Gaudio, Colin Aguesseau, Daniel Corcoran, Galen Wu, Timothy Metcalf and David Albin.


Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, President of Kiwanis Club of Tri-Town and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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