PARSIPPANY — “Why Our Veterans Are America’s Heroes” was the theme for Americanism Essay Contest sponsored by Parsippany-Troy Hills Elks Lodge 2078. (Click here to see related article).
Fifth grade student from Littleton Elementary School came in third place in Parsippany-Troy Hills Elks Lodge 2078 contest. The top three winners advanced to the Northwest District and Zenia came in first place.
Zenia was a runner up for 5th and 6th graders in state competition on March 10, and unfortunately she didn’t win in the state finalists.
The Parsippany-Troy Hills Elks Lodge 2078 was proud of Zenia and presented her with an additional check on Wednesday, April 26.
“The Lodge is very proud of Zenna that she accomplished the essay and moved up to win in the Northwest District,” said Joe Serrecchia.
Pictured is Eric Bisch, Joe Serrecchia, Winner Northwest District Zenia Aleesha, Sean Rice, Aleesha’s Dad, Aleem Shaik, Scott Burns.
Elks Lodge would like to thank the Parsippany-Troy Hills Board of Education for their continuous support.
Zenia’s Essay Contest submitted to the Elks read:
Why Our Veterans Are America’s Heroes
They fought for our country. They sacrificed their lives for us. They are loyal and independent. They fought in the Revolutionary War, to help us earn our basic rights. They fought in the Civil War, to put an end to slavery and bring our state rights. They fought in the World Wars, to free the oppressed. They fought in the Persian Gulf War, a fight for democracy. And many more! All of these battles they fought in, they sacrificed our life to earn what was right, just for us. They fought for you, me, and a million others. They trained hard day and night for each and every war they fought in, so they can help us earn freedom we deserve. They kissed their families “good bye” and went off to save them, and their country. They made our flag rise high above us, so we can salute them for everything they did. Now ask yourself. Who should we thank for giving us rights? The Veterans. Who should we thank for giving us our Freedom? The Veterans. Who fought every war to save our land, our home? The Veterans. Who should we give respect to for all the things they did? The Veterans. They are America’s Heroes. They are the people who let us have the words, “The land of the Free, and the Home of the Brave”. They are Veterans.