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HomeBeyond ParsippanyRochford Endorses Sierchio for Sheriff

Rochford Endorses Sierchio for Sheriff

Rochford offers full endorsement of Sierchio’s candidacy for Sheriff citing Sierchio’s law enforcement experience and fiscal conservative approach




John Sierchio
John Sierchio

MORRISTOWN – Morris County Sheriff Ed Rochford today announced his full endorsement of John Sierchio in this year’s election for County Sheriff. 

Sheriff Rochford, who yesterday announced that he will not be seeking re-election to a ninth term this year, focused on Sierchio’s law enforcement experience and record of saving taxpayer dollars as the basis for his endorsement.

“With 24 years of experience as Sheriff, I know exactly what it takes to protect the safety of Morris County residents and the wallets of taxpayers,” said Sheriff Rochford.  “I also know this: there is no one better qualified than John Sierchio to fight for the families, seniors, and taxpayers of Morris County as our next Sheriff, and that’s why I’m proud to endorse his candidacy today.”

“Like all residents of Morris County, I am deeply disappointed Sheriff Rochford will not be seeking re-election this fall because he has served us all with the honor and respect the office deserves,” said Sierchio.  “I am proud to receive Sheriff Rochford’s endorsement because no one will fight harder than me to keep Morris County’s families safe and run the office in the fiscally responsible manner taxpayers deserve.”

Sierchio has 27 years experience in law enforcement, serving in the Essex County Sheriff’s Office, the Essex County Police Department, and in the Bloomfield Police Department.  Sierchio also served as Chairman of the state’s Police and Fireman’s Retirement System, where the Star-Ledger called him a “crusader” for saving millions of taxpayer dollars by exposing fraudulent pension claims.

“John has dedicated his life to law enforcement, and he’s been on the frontlines every single day fighting to keep our communities safe,” noted Rochford.  “As our next Sheriff, John will use his 27 years of real world, on-the-ground experience to protect the families of Morris County.” 

“My experience has prepared me to be ready on Day One as our next Sheriff to fight the growing drug epidemic in our communities and confront the new realities of crime in Morris County,” said Sierchio.  “At the same time, I know how to manage a budget, save taxpayer dollars and do more with less, so taxpayers know I’m the fiscal conservative they can trust.” 

John is married with four children and lives with his family in Boonton Township, where he has served as a Member of the Board of Education since 2008.  He served five years as Chairman of the state’s Police and Fireman’s Retirement System and twelve years total on its Board of Trustees.  Sierchio was appointed by Governor Chris Christie to serve as a Member of the Governor’s Transition Team in 2009, where John served as a member of the Law and Public Safety Subcommittee.  John is a member of many organizations, including the New Jersey State PBA, the Italian American Police Society, and a Life Member of the National Rife Association.

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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