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HomeLetters to the editorLetter to the editor: RD has Parsippany on a Leash; Who put...

Letter to the editor: RD has Parsippany on a Leash; Who put us there?





MailboxsmallDear Editor:

RD Realty has proved no friend to Parsippany as Parsippany has proven no friend to itself. Under regional conformance legal protections would of been possible so that also says something about the present administration. The last RD lawsuit in Morristown was not actual; it was theoretical; hypothetical; moot, in other words they RD were deliberately incurred costs and harassed Parsippany.

Why? Because the COAH decision in the courts was then pending and “near” conclusion. In addition other similar lawsuits proved the same result, wait for the NJ Higher Court decision. Can’t help thinking there is a money machine here in Morris County for Lawyers, the Judge should of thrown out or dismissed RD’s argument, at that time, he didn’t; why?

It costs taxpayers, and Inglesino’s firm profited.  It’s like a Rico Racket Scheme to rob taxpayers and pave way for something they don’t want in their town, costing them to lose, while pretending they are fighting, and then we must save money and settle the case in RD’s favor or some unwarranted compromise. We are being robbed in that Regional Conformance would have solved many of these threats and proposals and provided legal shields against rude and uncaring entities like RD. 

From, 2009-2014 Parsippany did nothing in the regional conformance procedure, they initiated to improve their Master Plan or involve the public, their own community; it was taboo for our own alleged environmental committee to even comment of the regional conformance, or the waterview. Transparency and public knowledge was not forthcoming concerning the benefits of regional conformance; instead fears and doubts spread confusing public housing with regional conformance benefits and advances to our Municipal Planning.

In 2009 Parsippany started conformance for one reason, COAH fears relating it to Regional Planning in its entirety; ignoring all other benefits to conformance; making no improvements in their planning, like an Environmental Inventory for example, making it easier for developers to attack us. Then right before the COAH court outcome, they in July 2014 reject conformance all together. People there are something not logical, flawed or corrupt in all this. Parsippany does not belong to its residents but to the large corporate landowners and their SuperPac cronies.  

Towns can keep unwanted Builder’s Remedy developments from those areas only by proactively finding and designating other appropriate areas for affordable housing. RD cannot win in court and Parsippany should not surrender in the name of saving money, if they were sincere about their/our Master Plan and protecting the community and future for all, they would go back into regional conformance.  Stop the COAH nonsense and do what is right for the town and the future of us all. Stop private economic concerns; support public environmental values. Waterview landscape could in reality be zoned as; “community environmentally constrained sub-zone” and have legal standing, under home rule; developers rule.  

Nick Homyak

Letters to the Editor
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