MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Clerk’s Office is reaching out to local businesses in Parsippany and in all 39 Morris County towns to help establish a countywide retail and service discount booklet that would provide dollar savings to all military veterans who live in Morris County.
County Clerk Ann Grossi announced the start of the program at a press conference today in her Morristown office, calling on business in all neighborhoods throughout Morris County to participate in this program as a way of saying thank you to our veterans.
“We thought it would be good to give back to the men and women who have undoubtedly given so much to us and our beloved nation,’’ said Grossi.
“Simply put, we are working to create a discount booklet that would provide a percentage off on products offered or services rendered as a way to say thank you to those who have served so selflessly to allow us to enjoy the freedoms we have today,’’ added Grossi.
There will be a “boots on the ground’’ effort by employees of the County’s Clerk’s Office over the next two months to create a maximum numbers of discounts, as they pitch the program to businesses in communities and neighborhoods in all 39 Morris County towns, from Parsippany and Riverdale, to Long Hill and Jefferson Township, and out west to Washington Township.
“These veterans deserve our appreciation for their service to our country. This is just a small way that we can help pay them back for protecting our freedoms,’’ said Sam Sapporite, an Army veteran and second vice president of the Rockaway Borough Historical Committee, and who works closely with local VFW’s and American Legions in Morris County. “We are going to work hard on Operation Give Back and, as they say in the service, we will make it happen,’’ he added.
To get the discounts, veterans would be required to show a unique Morris County veterans identification card that can easily be obtained from the County Clerk’s Office.

To get a veterans’ card, click here or contact Liz Sutula at (973) 285-6142 or lsutula@co.morris.nj.us.
Current plans call for Operation Giveback to kick off in the fall, with booklets to be distributed to veterans’ groups and individuals prior to this year’s Veterans Day ceremonies through Morris County.
Businesses that participate will have their name highlighted in the booklet and on the County Clerk’s website.
To easily enroll a business in Operation Give Back, click here.