Councilman dePierro sudden change last night at Council in not complying with Township Attorney’s advice on Captain Carifi litigation. He should be made to explain how he actually allowed this senseless escapade to begin and continue during the whole of the Inglesino/Barberio Administration in the first place?
Why was Inglesino listened to with blind allegiance simply because of the republican majority in power?
Why did not one former Council Member, besides Nelson, investigate through due diligence his misleading and betraying behavior while in the employment of Parsippany. All things from Captain Carifi’s disparity of treatment, and endless lawsuits to nowhere, to his betrayal of the community during and after the Waterview No Rezone Vote, and the promise of Open Space.
Councilman dePierro must explain why now he ignores Attorney Lott’s advise, and stated opposition to the resolution concerning Captain Carifi fiasco proposed at Council 8/20, while a court decision is still pending to restore Captain’s Carifi’s confiscated benefits taken by former administration attorney John Inglesino? How much did the last administration costs Parsippany taxpayers in senseless lawsuits, Captain Carifi just one of several. Parsippany became a cash cow for the in crowd, while Parsippany Taxpayers were outsiders in their own community. What caused the Councilman’s abrupt transition of quantum leap from one of his discrete states to another?