Dear Editor:

I was at the canceled town council meeting last Tuesday, where they were trying to censure Justin Musella.
I don’t understand how an officer’s judgment to let a driver off with a warning from over two years ago when Justin was just the passenger is even an issue.
It would be better if the council had time to discuss issues relevant to the people and our town. Suppose this is an attempt to discredit Councilman Musella as part of the mayor’s campaign. In that case, I’d much rather hear a debate between him and Mayor Barberio where they present their arguments on real issues instead of character bashing. I think many people here in Parsippany feel the same way, and I hope they come to the rescheduled meeting at Par Hills High School on March 25 and say so.
I encourage them to. I grew up in Parsippany; it’s a wonderful place to live, which is why I’m raising my family here. We deserve leadership with good intentions.
Lisa Ranu