Dear Editor:

Mayor Barberio would have you believe that his “being briefed” by persons unknown to us, is the equal of attending a gathering of dozens of mayors regarding the Drone Issue is absurd. Let’s be honest Mr. Mayor, you abandoned your obligation to attend that Drone Conference so you could attend a gathering of Seniors in order to curry favor with a voting block. Pure and simple!
As for the seniors, who are somehow looking forward to your being there and grateful for your attendance, you have overrated your popularity with that demographic. I am a senior, and as a senior, I certainly would have rather seen you at the mayor’s meeting. So please do not presume to speak for all seniors. Perhaps it is possible though not likely you may have even come up with a good question, but we never know, since you weren’t there. These Drone sightings may turn out to be an elaborate prank, but no one knows for sure at this time. The mere fact they are for the most part flying under radar detection should give any responsible leader cause for alarm.
You could have taken your gas-guzzling city-owned SUV and rode in style to a conference you should have attended. As for your implying that Councilman Musella doesn’t care about seniors, it is your incorrect opinion. He is not the one jamming PILOT Programs down the throats of the seniors in Parsippany. You are!
So do the residents of Parsippany a favor and stop campaigning on City Time and the taxpayer’s nickel.
Richard Suarez