Dear Editor:

Reading the recent comment on Hiawatha’s numerous Barber Shops. How about the fact that we now have no pharmacy, as Rite Aid has closed and prescriptions are transferred to Walgreens? Now we must travel to Baldwin and Route 46 for that necessity.
Ask: Why could not Walgreens simply maintain another pharmacy at the Rite Aid location? Rite Aid automatically transfers the prescriptions of their customers to Walgreens. The alternative would be having to move all the insurance and on-file prescription medicines to another location. Other than Food Towns small PX one would need to travel even further than Baldwin. ( Food Town is allegedly still scheduled to close or change ownership, or was this some bogus political made-up story, as part of the rumor that suggested affordable housing to replace Foodtown)
Hiawatha is the most densely populated part of Parsippany with its zip code. Can the present Administration petition the Walgreens corporation to reestablish the former Hiawatha location?
This same situation for example happened in Hackensack, a Rite Aid pharmacy was bought out, however, the premises simply converted to a Walgreens, and maintained the workforce. It seems in Parsippany we are always overdue things, however traveling to Baldwin from Hiawatha is an inconvenience.
So now we have the TD Bank still vacant, along with the Rite Aid. Perhaps Parsippany should use eminent domain to have one of these structures converted into a Hiawatha Police Precinct. Police presence may bring cleaner streets, less speeding, and noise, and quicker response to concerns, and situations in Hiawatha.
Nick Homyak
Editor’s Note: TD Bank is leased to Duncan and is currently in the process of obtaining permits to renovate and reconfigure the premises