PARSIPPANY — What could be better than a phenomenal day of golf at one of Morris County’s most beautiful courses, all for the benefit of multiple worthwhile causes that help support our community?

On Thursday, July 11th, Morris County Sons of Italy Lodge 2561 held their Annual Basil Ricci Memorial Annual Charity Golf Outing at the picturesque Knoll West Country Club in Parsippany. The course was filled as 144 golfers joined the Sons on what turned out to be a gorgeous day, nestled between several recent summer heat waves, with clear blue skies, temps in the mid-80s, and a mild refreshing breeze.

Not surprisingly, the outing sold out in a matter of days following the announcement. The highly anticipated annual event has become known as a spectacular event, featuring not only Parsippany’s premiere lush greens and well-maintained fairways but also breakfast, lunch, and a top-notch awards dinner, with enough prizes to line the walls of the banquet hall.
Most importantly, remember that all the proceeds from any of the Sons of Italy charitable fundraisers throughout the year go directly back into the community through various local causes. The Sons of Italy made up of concerned, community-minded members, is a non-profit organization that contributes thousands of dollars annually to worthwhile local charities and families, including but not limited to the Parsippany Food Pantry, High School Scholarships, the Valerie Fund, The Shelter for Battered Women, Alzheimer’s, and much more.

At 11:00 a.m., with numerous golf carts lined up, loaded with colorful golf bags, and ready to go, everyone was anxious to hit the links. Lodge 2561 Sons of Italy President Joe Jannarone Jr. welcomed the assembled golfers, and off they went to their designated locations for the shotgun start. The event featured a scramble format, with prizes for the best foursome score, longest drive (male and female), closest to the pin, etc. It was a hot day, so plenty of cool refreshments were readily available at several holes and roving refreshment carts throughout the game.

It was a memorable day filled with fun, energy, and camaraderie. The Sons of Italy would like to acknowledge and thank not only those who came out to play golf and support the organization’s mission but also those who offered their support through Gold, Silver, and Bronze hole sponsorships, prize sponsors, and other donations. If you would like to become one of our sponsors next year, please email The day was a huge success!

To learn more about the Morris County Sons of Italy Lodge 2562 and their upcoming events, visit their webpage at or their Facebook page.