Dear Editor:
Why won’t Mayor Barberio hold a Town Hall with Parsippany residents and provide them with an opportunity to ask him questions, express their concerns, and share their ideas?

Why won’t Mayor Barberio take the time to listen to his constituents without getting defensive and aggressively accusative towards any resident who asks him for information and/or action?
A couple of possible answers to these questions might include Mayor Barberio’s apparent lack of interest or basic understanding of the multiple safety, financial, and quality of life issues that face Parsippany residents.
Or perhaps the Mayor believes that showing up at photo ops, cutting opening banners, and handing out declarations are the Mayor’s primary responsibilities.
But then again, maybe Mayor Barberio may believe that being at the beck and call of out-of-town developers and their greedy lawyers is where the focus of his job should be
Who knows?
But what is known is that Mayor Barberio’s recent forum for Indian American Parsippany residents and this week’s Mayor’s Round Table only reinforced the growing belief that the Mayor is either too afraid or too compromised to engage in an open and frank dialogue with Parsippany residents.
With the Republican primary on the political horizon, hopefully, a candidate who is neither afraid nor compromised will emerge to lead Parsippany into the future.
Bob Crawford