PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany-Troy Hills Planning Board approved an application for Morris Corporate Center VI, L.L.C. for Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan. (To watch video of the meeting click here.)
The applicant will construct two five-story, 56,363-square foot apartment buildings. The buildings would hold a combined total of 325 dwelling units, with 162 dwelling units in one building and 163 in the other building. Twenty percent of the total units (or 65 units) would serve as affordable housing.
The Property is located in the Affordable Housing District 7 zone. In April 2019, the Township executed a settlement agreement with the Fair Share Housing Center, to resolve litigation regarding Parsippany’s Prior and Third Round fair share affordable housing obligations. The agreement, which was accepted by the Court at a fairness hearing on June 21, 2019, sets forth the extent of the Township’s obligations and describes the compliance plan components by which Parsippany proposes to address those obligations. Part of this obligation has already been achieved in prior rounds, while other housing plan components will be undertaken through July 1, 2025, the end of the Third Round.
The Applicant will install 608 parking spaces. Of those 608 parking spaces, 268 would be indoors, on the first floor of the two buildings, and the remaining 340 spaces would be uncovered, surface parking.
The property is located at 100 and 120 Cherry Hill Road and designated as Block 136, Lots 44 and 76 on the Tax Map of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills.
Additionally proposed are ancillary site improvements, including but not limited to driveways connecting to Upper Pond Road, sidewalks, signs, landscaping, fences, and a retaining wall. Construction would also require minor demolition, including the removal of existing pavement, curbs, light poles, trees, parking lot islands, sidewalks, sanitary pipes, inlets, and manholes.