PARSIPPANY — Every two years the Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills hosts a Salad Supper inviting the student scholarship winners from Parsippany Hills and Parsippany High as well the two Girls Career Institute (GCI) delegates and a parent as guests.
This year the CLUB was fortunate to have several of the 2019 scholarship winners and one of our GCI delegates present. Each of the scholarship winners told us of their college plans and were very grateful to the Woman’s Club for the award. Our GCI delegate was so happy to tell us about her experience at Douglass College and was extremely grateful to have been chosen for this experience.
The Highlands District Vice President, Judy Filippini, also attended the celebration to present the Club Co-Presidents with a certificate and letter from the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs President, Mary E. Wolfe, to recognize the 65th Anniversary of the club.

To complete the celebration some members from the Lakeland Youth Symphony entertained the group while they dined on the wonderful food provided by the club members.
Money for the scholarships and other educational awards the Woman’s Club hands out each year are made possible by the money raised at our Annual Tee Off for Education Golf Classic & Luncheon Social. Other awards/donations provided each year include 8th Grade Citizenship Awards, 5th Grade Reading Awards, Scout Awards, Dr. Seuss’ Birthday event, library donations, a Spelling Bee and much more.

This year’s event is on July 9 at the Knoll Country Club West. If you would like to attend the 38th Annual Tee Off for Education Golf Classic & Luncheon Social, please contact Marilyn Z. at (973) 539-3703 or WCPTH, Golf Outing, P.O. Box 98, Parsippany, NJ 07054.
The Woman’s Club of Parsippany-Troy Hills is a member of the New Jersey State Federation of Women’s Clubs of GFWC (NJSFWC), which is the largest volunteer women’s service organization in the state, providing opportunities for education, leadership training, and community service. For club information call Marilyn Z. at (973) 539-3703, e-mail the club at or click here or follow us on FaceBook.