PARSIPPANY — Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills held its Annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 27 at Veterans Memorial Park.
The ceremony started with Presentation of the Colors by Color Guards of American Legion Post 249 and VFW Command Post 10184. Invocation was given by Rabbi Moshe Rudin, Adath Shalom Synagogue, followed by the National Anthem by Melody Liberman, a Parsippany resident.
Senior Patrol Leader Troop 72 Kristopher Hawkins led the Pledge of Allegiance. Julia Bruggeman, Girl Scout Troop 95609 read the Memorial Day Poem. Mayor Michael Soriano welcomed the audience.
Laying of the wreaths were led by Bernard McElwee, VFW Post 10184 and Honored Veteran Gary Erdmann, VFW Post 10184. Anthony Paterno, a Parsippany Hills High School student and a member of Boy Scouts of America Troop 173.
The keynote speaker was Siobhan Fuller McConnell, American Gold Star Mother, Mother of Parsippany War Hero, Derek McConnell. Councilman Michael dePierro read “Just a Common Soldier and Reverend Donald A. Bragg, Parsippany Presbyterian Church performed the benediction then God Bless America was song by Ava LaPresti and Abigail Thurkauf.