PARSIPPANY — Par-Troy Little League East will be officially dedicating the T-ball field to the Plescia family during their Opening Day, to be held on Saturday, April 6, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Joe and Sue Plescia have given so much of their time to the league and the town and it’s kids over the years in so many ways.
Joe has held many positions at P.T.E. Including League President. To this day he assists in any way possible and is an incredible resource to our board and me as President.
On top of that Joe and Sue have also given the league two other incredible resources David and Michael Plescia these two young men have given so many hours, days, months and years of their time to make Par-Troy Little League East the best place in town for our children and families.
David is our resident Key Master, Security System Designer, Grounds Crew Liaison giving as much time as he can when he is not out building race cars! Michael has taught so many of our children the right way to play the game sharing his never ending passion for baseball with as many kids as possible. His knowledge of the rule book has also kept our league going in the right direction for many years. “There are so many more superlatives I can use to describe this family but I’ll save them for opening day,” said PTE President Chris Mazzarella.
Par-Troy Little League East invites all to come out on Opening Day and help celebrate the Plescia family by giving them a small token of appreciation for all they have done for our league and our community.