Dear Editor:
It is no secret that New Jersey is in financial trouble. Our saving grace is that we’re well-situated near New York City, in the middle of the Eastern seaboard with infrastructure that can still be repaired and maintained. Because of these advantages, manufacturers are still interested in New Jersey despite some of the financial constraints choking our state.
In my opinion, Morris County stands to benefit greatly from Workforce Development programs and, as a Freeholder liaison to the County College of Morris and the Morris County School of Technology, I have been researching this program in other areas and working with leaders of CCM and NJMEP to make it a reality for Morris County.
Today, I had the opportunity to visit Rowan College in Glassboro, New Jersey where they have been aggressively working toward Workforce Development in several industries trending in their area. The visit was very informative and I look forward to bringing the information I received back to the Freeholder board so that we can duplicate the success of this program and realize another part of our strategic plan.
In recent years, the Glassboro area has seen many new businesses coming into the area, and the growth of both Rowan College and Rowan University as a result of the expansion into Workforce Development programs. We can make this happen in Morris County!
Freeholder Heather Darling