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HomeLocal NewsPHS Class of 2018 is dismissed!

PHS Class of 2018 is dismissed!





PARSIPPANY — The Parsippany High School Class of 2018 graduated on Thursday, June 21. 216 students received their diplomas after the Conferment of the Degrees by Principal Denis Mulroony. The diploma’s were presented to the Board of Education.

133 students, or 61.6% will be attending four year colleges, 61 students or 28.2% will be attending two year colleges, 12 students or 5.6% will be attending career education, 6 students for 2.8% will be employed and 4 students, or 1.8% will be joining the military.

The Class of 2018 Officers were Ethan Kaplan, President; Udhay Khullar, Vice President; Harris Ansari, Secretary and Rachel Wang, Treasurer.

The 2018 Graduating Class

Sebastian Abreu
Kensy Abdias Acosta
Matthew Eric Afonso
Mildred S. Agenor
Abdul Vasi Ahmedi
Kandarp J. Ajvalia
Khalid M. Alzubi
Hailey Rose Amato
Jay P. Amin
Alexander Angulo
Mohammad Harris Ansari
Haydar Yusuf Aran
Sarah Isabel Arias
Zabihilla Asat
Harmond Atienza
Mirzakerim Tarik Ayaz
Tia Antoinette Ayton
Srah Azizi
Arzoo Bakhtiary
Luisa Teresa Barone
Jared Robert Bazarai
Claudia Valarie Bennett
Justin Joel Bermudez
Juan Sebastian Bernal
Kate S. Bernauer
Mathew Botros
Abdoullah Bouzaitoun
Juliana Branda
Vanessa Bravo-Nieto
Gerard Joseph Burder
Cyvyl Salvanera Cabaccang
Michele Cacciapaglia
Isabella Francesca Cacciottolo
Jason Francis Calabrese
Joseph Calabrese
Nicole Marie Calabrese
Derrique M. S. Campbell
Fabio Castillo
Alex John Cavaluzzo
Savannah Madison Cerrato
Albert Ye Chen
Shyann Lynn Cheney
Sydney Lyn Clark
Edward Donald Cogan
Kelly Anne Coombs
Brenda Cordasco
Elijah X. Crawford
Juliana Rose Davanzo
Ivan Francisco DeLeon
Assunta Celeste De Martinis
Julia Del Viscio
Andrea Delgado
Gabriella Marie DeMary
Richard Anthony DeMary
Michael L. DeMonico
Cameron Antonio Dines
Sarah Elizabeth DiPippa
Thomas Diez
Joseph Romolo DiPinto
Destiny Stella Duffaut
Nicole Lynn Dugan
Amr Elsaid
Christopher Ray England-Ippolito
Ethan Daniel Fang
Ithaly Feliz
Riley Catherine Ferguson
Vincenzo Generoso Ferrara
Jason B. Finkle
Camren Anneliese Fitzsimmons
Vaishnavi Gandhi
Nicholas Peter Garafano
Justin I. Garcia
Sean Peter Gentile
Aahna Ghosh
Bryan William Gong
Ryan Thomas Goodreds
Bethany Rose Goordman
Malcolm Isiah Green
Sioux Anne Green
Madena Hamidi
Zara Hassan
Marc Hoeltge
Rachel Ann Hoffman
Kaitlyn Holler
Kevin Nathaniel Holst
Ahmed Homsi
Leslie Sofia Huatarunco
Anya Rose Hughes
Fatima Arizo Iqbal
Andrea Rose Jacoby
Aastha Jaggi
Romel Jamna
Ralph L. Jean-Francois
Angeline Sara Jiju
Anthony Wayne Johnson
Maxwell Alexander Johnson
Ramanand M. Kachhia
Ethan D. Kaplan
Ragan Grace Kelley
Udhay Khullar
Joseph M. Klein
Julia Margaret Kloss
Bon June Koo
John Mark Krevis
Patrick William LaFerrera
Michael Vincent Lai
Samantha Lin Lee
Olivia Ruth Leon
Alice Jane Limanova
Sabrina Link
Robert Burke Litz
Christopher Benito Lupo
Noah Jack Lustig
Purvang Mahadevia
Pranav Praful Makadia
Mahrukh Abdul Malik
Shobin Paul Manappuram
Maliha A. Mannan
Kaitlyn Ashlee Martinez
Anthony Karl Martucci
Aidan Rose McMaster
Alivia Marie Mercuro
Kyle Meth
Daniel V. Miller
Christian Alberto Minaya
Rahul Kiran Mody
Dunya Mohamed
Bernasia Ebony Moore
Jeremy Michael Mostillo
Sunaina Mukherjee
Hamza Abbas Naqvi
Isabella G. Nicoletti
Karissa Marie Nussbaum
Ogulcan Odabas
Jared Lucas Osgood
Shane Joseph Osgood
Ali Haydar Ozdemir
Mansi A. Parikh
Aditi Patel
Aneri Patel
Bhumiben M. Patel
Dirgh Harshadkumar Patel
Lipi Patel
Priya Minesbkumar Patel
Priyam Shailesh patel
Ria S. Patel
Sagar Patel
Sima Patel
Lauryn K. Patracuolla
Nilab Pazhmon
Kyla Samantha Penus
Kyle Edward Phillips
Nelson Yoset Pichardo
Daniel Joseph Pico
Cielito Jaecob M. Ponce De Leon
John Carlos Portillo
Faith Marie Preziosi
Vincent T. Prezioso
Anoosha Qureshi
Shakhzoda Rakhimova
Kyra Mary Reich
Moustafa Riad
Isis Carolina Rodas Prado
Malia Rodriguez
Steven Rodriguez
Daniel I. Rodriguez-Appelgren
Daniel Bennett Ruggiero
Bahaadeen Saied
Tahir Samad
Zahra Mariam Sarwari
Brenda Lynn Sauer
Skylar Madison Schey
Brandon Schweizer
Everton Fitzroy Scott
Alexander Serban
Ankit Shah
Diti J. Shah
Khushbu Shah
Neil Vipul Shah
Affan Shaikh
Adam J. Shandra
Skyler Rose Sharpell
Stephanie Shen
Abhi N. Sheth
Samantha Shimabukuro
Mario Joseph Sinatra
Kaitlyn Arlene Sklow
Kendrick C. Slaman
Lauren Emily Slevin
Christopher Francis Smith
Julia Rose Smith
Zachary Logan Snell
Maansi Solanki
Karissa Zavanna St. Jean
Kerri St. Victor
Amanda Nicole Stover
Devion Sharif Stover
Danielle Strano
Matthew J. Strumolo
Frank Anthony Sullivan
Sophia Tamayo
Alice H. Tatrous
Tatiana Isabel Tello Burlew
Justin Ryan TerWaarbeek
David Ton
Peter Hao Tran
Tiffany Lee Trifari
Gary C. Tsui
Jeet Vaishnay
Sean Patrick Van Vliet
Philip Sunny Varghese
Rachael S. Wang
Alexa Rae Weissberg
Adam Joseph Welch
Matthew Thomas Wilson
Ryan Michael Wisniewski
Brielle Elizabeth Wyka
Talia Ruth Wynzel
Ellen X. Xu
Ali Yaqoobi
Adam Ye
Christopher Michael Yi
Kevin Zhengen Zheng
Annie A. Zhong

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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