10) Leniency letter to Morris County Judge for a Parsippany drug dealer on Township stationery
9) $3,000,000.00 from sewer surplus to regular operating fund and tells taxpayers the tax increase is below 2% mandatory cap.
8) Did not review Township Attorney’s submitted invoices that included $5,000.00 in sales tax. (Township is exempt from sales tax).
7) Violates township ordinance which Mayor voted for as a councilman that Mayor’s automobile should have township emblem.
6) Allows township employee(s) to take automobile home in violation of township ordinance that Mayor Barberio voted for as a councilman.
5) Starting pay scale far exceeding the retiring employee’s salary.
4) Did not follow up civil action settlement payments from former planning board attorney.
3) Staggering amount of $750,000 to a private information security firm for imaging the hard drive of a police officers computer.
2) Cost taxpayers for reimbursement of personal attorneys for Mayor Barberio’s Sunday night meeting. $5,000.00 for Mayor’s attorney and 5,662.50 for councilman Brian Stanton’s attorney.
1b) Witch-hunt of retired police captain and sewer treatment employee’s costing taxpayers $2,000,000.00 with no end in sight for the first witch-hunt.
1a) Serving legal papers to the aforementioned police officer on Christmas Eve, who’s been retired for 1½ years.
Roy’s Corner…. Next top ten arriving soon
Roy’s Corner is an Editorial from a Parsippany resident.