PARSIPPANY — The staff at Parsippany Focus has chosen three winners in our “Halloween Story Contest” for young readers.
The first winner is a student at Littleton Elementary School; 3rd Grade, 8 years old: Ishita Bandyopadhyay. Ishita received a plaque from Parsippany Focus, lunch for Ishita, her parents and her teacher Ms. Tiesi and a $25.00 VISA gift card.

Ishita’s story was titled
“Monster Ville”
Are you scared of monsters? If you’re brave enough then come with me, come on, it’ll be fun. I am going on a trip to a village where all those monsters roam around. I take the “106 Monster Express”. I have some friends who live there_, wait train, wait I have to go to the village of monsters! Wait, wait, wait!_ Oh, sorry, I was talking to you so much that I almost forgot about my train! Now where was I? Oh yes, there’s Achoo, I know that’s a funny name, but it’s true, she sneezes all the time! There’s also Smelly and Slimy, they are the stinkiest and the slimiest monsters you’ll ever see. Oh, and another thing about Stinky and Slimy. _ Here we are at our first stop, the village of monsters, also known as Monster Ville. _ Oh no, no, no, no. It’s Slimy! He likes_; he got me, didn’t he? As I was saying, he and Smelly like to hug a lot. Their mom couldn’t choose their names over Hugsome and Huggy, or Smelly and Slimy! The mayor, my friend is Sleepy. I think you know what she does all day. I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with peep. Yes, that’s right, sleep! Let me give you this warning, if you try and wake her up, she’ll use you as a teddy bear, sometimes even as a pillow! Last, but not least, Scarific, he likes to scare people out of their wits! If you act brave and don’t scream, then Scarific will keep on scaring you, so you better scream! And that my friend, all my monster friends are at Monster Ville! I hope you’ll come with me one day to the village of monsters!