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HomeBusiness NewsWaterview Marketplace construction is moving along

Waterview Marketplace construction is moving along

Parsippany will acquire 10.63 acres of undeveloped land for open space for the sum of $3.5 million





PARSIPPANY — The proposed Waterview Marketplace (with Whole Foods occupying 47,558 square feet) to be built on Waterview Boulevard is moving forward through the system.

Site Plan of Waterview Marketplace

According to RD Realty Management they describe the property as “Waterview Marketplace is located in Morris County at Bloomfield Avenue Route 46 and Waterview Boulevard in Parsippany. The site is situated in a high density, high income trade area with numerous office parks surrounding it.”

Whole Foods will occupy 47,558 square feet and have 4,100 square feet of indoor and outdoor seating totally 203 seats.

The remainder of the site hasn’t been leased. It states the following units are available: 21,540 square feet, 15,600 square feet, 14,520 square feet, 13,260 square feet, 11,140 square feet, 10,010 square feet, 7,260 square feet, 4,270 square feet and a proposed 3,550 square feet bank pad with a drive-thru.

The center will have a total of  679 parking spaces.

Tenants in other RD Management properties include Chili’s, TGIF Friday’s, Sears, Best Buy, Ruby Tuesday, Lowe’s, KMart, Marshalls, Barnes & Noble, The Home Depot, BJ’s, Staples, PetSmart, PepBoys Auto, Bed, Bath and Beyond, Kohl’s, Party City and McDonalds.  They have properties in 24 states. They are currently constructing a new approximately 120,000 square foot BJ’s Shopping enter in Hanover on Hanover Avenue between Horse Hill Road and Martin Luther King Avenue. BJ’s will occupy 89,770 square foot, with two remaining sites available.

On Tuesday, April 25, The Parsippany-Troy Hills Township council was presented with resolution (No. R2017-065) to approve a “Developers Agreement with RD Realty.” The resolution was passed 5-0.

The resolution stated “Developer applied to the Township Planning Board requesting minor subdivision and preliminary and final major site plan approvals with waivers and bulk “C” variances (Planning Board Application No.: 16:504), to permit the subdivision of the Property into two individual lots, with one lot consisting of approximately 16.01 acres being for the construction and operation of a new development containing approximately 153,510 square feet of retail and other non­residential uses, related parking, and on-site and off-site improvements, and one lot consisting of approximately 10.63 acres of undeveloped land to be transferred to the Township for open space in accordance with the Settlement Agreement.”

The Parsippany-Troy Hills Planning Board took jurisdiction and conducted public hearings on the application at its meetings on March 21, 2016, April 4, 2016 and April 18, 2016, at which time the Planning Board considered the application materials submitted and plans and reports presented; and the Planning Board voted to grant Developer minor subdivision approval, preliminary and final major site plan approval, “C” variance relief and waivers, with said approvals being memorialized by way of written resolution adopted by the Planning Board on May 9, 2016.

Then, the Developer applied to the Planning Board for amended preliminary and final major site plan approval (Planning Board Application No. 16:504), to reduce the square footage of the Shopping Center to approximately 150,150 square feet, and permit other design revisions to on-site and off-site improvements relating to the Shopping Center, with no changes to the subdivision of the Open Space Parcel.

The Planning Board took jurisdiction and conducted a public hearing on the application at its meeting on November 7, 2016, at which time the Planning Board considered the application materials submitted and plans and reports presented; and the Planning Board voted to grant Developer amended preliminary and final major site plan approval, with said approvals being memorialized by way of written resolution adopted by the Planning Board on November 21, 2016.

In a settlement agreement with RD Realty dated November 10, 2015 it requires RD Realty to convey the Open Space Parcel to the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills. On November 11, 2015, Parsippany Focus reported “The rear and western side of the property which totals 10.63 acres will be sold to the Township for $3.5 million. Parsippany will use funds from its Open Space Trust Account to make the purchase.  The area of land the Township will purchase will forever be deed restricted from ever being developed.” The Township Council will present Ordinance No. 2017-17 for second reading and final passage thereof at a Meeting to be held on May 16, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. (Click here to review Ordinance)

In September 2014, Parsippany-Troy Hills Township applied to the Morris County Open Space Committee for the 9.26 acre triangular buffer and appraised it at $3.5 million in the open space application. Eventually the Morris County Open Space Committee denied the application.

At this point the Mayor is authorized to sign the “Developer’s Agreement,” and to take possession of the open space. Sources close to the project state construction is in the planning stages.

Frank L. Cahill
Frank L. Cahill
Publisher of Parsippany Focus since 1989 and Morris Focus since 2019, both covering a wide range of events. Mr. Cahill serves as the Executive Board Member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, Governor-Elect NJ District Kiwanis International and Chairman of Parsippany-Troy Hills Economic Development Advisory Board.
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