PARSIPPANY — With the demolition of the former historic Greystone Hospital nearly completed, Parsippany Focus has uncovered rare photos of the massive campus from the the Mennonite Church USA Archives.
All captions were handwritten on the back of each photo. Although the photos are undated, automobiles are clearly visible in a few photos. Feel free to comment.
Frank Wright (left), Baltimore Md. & Melvin Unruh (right) Hutchinson, KA
Morning Mail, Paul Redcay, Elizabethtown, PALeon Shirk, Lancaster Co., Pa.Attendant in TB BldgInsulin shock, patient in comaPatient fitting jigsaw puzzleLeft – Clinic Bldg., Right – Reception Bldg.dormitory buildingMain Drive as seen from Main Building. Clinic, Employees’ Cafeteria, and Reception on left. Morris Plains in background.Clinic Building (left), Cafeteria & Reception (right)reception buildingMain Building Dining Rooms for Men, Main Kitchen, Industrial Shops, Heating Plant, Fire House, etc. Dormitory Building in backgroundheating plant and laundryMain Building, New Jersey State Hospital, Greystone Park, N. J.Seclusion wards of Main Building SouthMain Building NorthMain BuildingTiers of Main Building Southmain buildingTiers of Main Building NorthDormitory Bldg. YardPatients on Lawn of TB Bldg
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