PARSIPPANY — Members of Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce has a new way to promote their business.
Members can set up a display table on select days at the Staples, 760 Route 46, Parsippany.
On Monday, May 4, Atlantis Sports Club, American Cancer Society Relay for Life and Wolf Bookkeeping and Tax Service were among the first companies and non-profit organizations to participate in this new and exciting business showcase.
Pictured about is Cris Morun, Atlantis Spots Club, Betty Boyer, Relay for Life, Carol Dadain, Relay for Life, Cristina Leon, Staples Copy and Print Center, Tracy Politz, Staples Copy and Print Regional Manager, Robert Weaver, Staples Manager, Sandy Lopez, Copy and Print Sales Manager, Maxine Wolf, Wolf Bookkeeping and Tax Service and Herb Wolf, Wolf Bookkeeping and Tax Service.
Our next merchants to have a display at Staples will be PageLink – A mobile enabled website designer on Wednesday, May 6, from 11:00 am. to 3:00 p.m.
On Saturday May 8, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany and Parsippany Focus will be able to participate in Staples Small Business Showcase.
If you are a member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce and would like to participate in this exciting program, please contact, Frank Cahill, Executive Board Member, at (973) 402-6400.
To become a member of Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce, click here.
PATERSON — A 28-year-old Parsippany man was in danger of losing his hand after an item he was carrying exploded Tuesday morning in the city, officials said. Investigators ruled out an incendiary device after responding to the scene along freight train tracks, near 17th Avenue and East 25th Street, according to police. “There was no bomb,”…
Parsippany-Troy Hills Council President Paul Carifi, Jr.
Parsippany-Troy Hills Council President Paul Carifi, Jr.
PARSIPPANY — Parsippany-Troy Hills Township Council President Paul Carifi, Jr., wants to remind residents that a special meeting for the 2015 Budget Hearings continues this evening, Tuesday, May 5. In addition to tonight, there is a meeting scheduled for Thursday, May 14 starting at 6:00 p.m.
The special meetings will be held at Parsippany Municipal Building located at 1001 Parsippany Boulevard.
Any individual who is a qualified disabled person under the American with Disabilities Act may request auxiliary aids such as a sign interpreter or a tape recorder to be used for a meeting. Auxiliary aids must be requested at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. Please call (973) 263-4357 to make a request for an auxiliary aid.
The Township Council of the Township of Parsippany-Troy Hills will conduct Special Meetings for review and discussion of the Mayor’s 2015 Budget Recommendations on the following dates:
Tuesday, May 5 starting at 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Public Works, includes Streets and Roads/Condo, Sanitation and Recycling/Tipping Fees
Greg Schneider
Engineering / Engineering Cap.
Greg Schneider, Justin Lizza
7:00 p.m.
Police, includes Animal Control
Chief Paul Philipps
Emergency Management
Chief Paul Philipps
9:00 p.m.
Municipal Court
Al Leal (no attendance required)
Thursday, May 14 starting at 6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Jayne Beline and Joseph Weisberg
6:30 p.m.
Water Utility
Paula Cozzarelli and Kevin Ryan
7:00 p.m.
Knoll Utility
Paula Cozzarelli and Glenn Foesel
8:00 p.m.
Finance / Assessing / Collector includes Contingent,
Statutory and Deferred
Ann Cucci
Legal / Insurance
Salary and Wage Discussion
Note: All times are approximate, with the exception of the start time.
To view the budget hearings from April 23, click here.
In a related matter, Parsippany Focus filed and was denied an OPRA request for the Mayors Proposed Budget Worksheets 2015, which historically has been given out prior to the start of the Budget hearings, and has been posted on under “Transparency” section.Click here to review previous years.
It causes concern as to what the Barberio Administration must be hiding. In previous years, Parsippany Focus, posted the proposed Budget Worksheets to keep the public informed and so the public had an opportunity to review the Budget prior to the hearings. Actually, budget worksheets are available on the township website for years 2008-2014.
Township Clerk Yancy stated “We are in receipt of your OPRA request for “the Mayors Proposed Budget Worksheets 2015.” The document you are seeking is an exemption under N.J.S.A. 47:1A-1.1: “Inter-agency or intra-agency advisory, consultative or deliberative material” so your request is denied.
For additional information please contact Yancy Wazirmas, RMC Township Clerk at (973) 263-4350.
It’s only May, but it will feel like summer today across New Jersey. Forecasters are calling for sunny skies and temperatures in the 80s with slightly cooler conditions along the shore. The mild weather comes with a word of caution from the National Weather Service, though. A “red flag warning” is in effect from 1 p.m.…
MORRISTOWN – A 71-year-old retired Essex County Sheriff’s Office lieutenant was sentenced to eight years in jail for robbing a bank in Boonton last year, according to a report in the Daily Record. Harry Schnitzer pleaded guilty in December to second-degree robbery, a charge stemming from an April 30,2014 incident in which he entered the Santander…
METUCHEN — Temperatures could hit the 80s in parts of New Jersey on Sunday during a springtime warmup that calls for beautiful weather in the coming days. Temperatures on Sunday morning hovered in the high 50s, but were expected to rise throughout the day. The forecast calls for highs of 80 in Trenton, 78 in Newark,…
TRENTON — A Democratic lawmaker who’s been leading the charge into investigating Gov. Chris Christie’s administration over the George Washington Bridge lane closure controversy said on Sunday that the governor has not been vindicated by the recent charges in the scheme. State Assemblyman John Wisniewski (D-Middlesex), speaking on This Week with George Stephanopoulos on ABC News,…
Karen DeChristopher and Margie Forman holding a sign .. Join the fight against cancer!
PARSIPPANY — Relay For Life Member Karen DeChristopher and Margie Forman were starting to “Paint The Town Purple” which is a great way to spread the word about Relay For Life to be held on June 6 and June 7 at County College of Morris. Cancer touches us all in one way or the other.
As the American Cancer Society Relay For Life marks 25 years of bringing hope to communities nationwide, volunteers from all over the world have an opportunity to celebrate the progress made in the fight against cancer.
Each year, more than 4 million people in over 20 countries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay For Life movement.
There are an estimated 14.5 million cancer survivors in the United States, and that number is expected to grow significantly by 2024.
In May 1985, Dr. Gordy Klatt walked and ran for 24 hours around a track in Tacoma, Washington, ultimately raising $27,000 to help the American Cancer Society fight the nation’s biggest health concern cancer. A year later, 340 supporters joined the overnight event. Since those first steps, the Relay For Life movement has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, raising nearly $5 billion to fight cancer.
As the nation’s largest fundraising event, Relay For Life of Central Morris County rallies families, friends, businesses, schools, hospitals, service and faith based organizations in communities throughout Morris County and beyond and is asking you to participate in the event by: starting or joining a team, making a donation, sponsoring the event, purchasing a track sign or just coming out to show your support to those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and by providing an opportunity for everyone to fight back against the disease.. They are also looking for survivors and caregivers, as they would love for you to join Relay For Life so that we can celebrate and honor you during our special Survivor activities and dinner, as well as during the Luminaria Ceremony.
The light pole decorated with a purple ribbon
Karen DeChristopher and Margie Forman holding a sign .. Join the fight against cancer!
Karen DeChristopher placing a Relay For Life sign
Karen DeChristopher and Margie Forman at Krausers on Parsippany Road where they just placed a window sign
Margie Forman putting finishing touches on the ribbon
Tie a purple ribbon
For more information about getting involved, making a donation, sponsoring the event and/or purchasing a track sign, contact Bonnie – or call (201) 317-0810. Visit their website by clicking here or like their Facebook page for event details.
Warmth will surge into Parsippany through the start of the new week as a storm heads slowly out to sea.
Temperatures will trend upward through the beginning of the new week with highs in the 70s on Sunday, followed by 80-degree warmth in many areas Monday and Tuesday.
Following clouds and spotty afternoon showers on Saturday, Sunday and Monday will be free of rain and generally sunny.
The warmth will hang on through Tuesday, but an advancing cold front will ignite an afternoon shower or thunderstorm.
While the front will cut into the warmth and lead to some cooling for the midweek, highs will remain above normal for early May. A quick rebound in temperatures will then follow for later in the week.
TRENTON — You can add Gov. Chris Christie’s name to the top of the list of thousands inconvenienced by Bridgegate’s traffic delays. Even though Christie was not named in the Bridgegate indictment, delaying his presidential campaign until after he was cleared of wrongdoing means he has almost no chance of prevailing in Iowa, and is facing…
Federal authorities released long-awaited charges in the George Washington Bridge closure scandal Friday, outlining a dizzying play-by-play of the events that led to four days of gridlock allegedly crafted as political payback. Here’s an A to Z guide to the federal Bridgegate charges. Access lanes It all started with some local access lanes. Three local lanes…
TRENTON — Before the George Washington Bridge lane closure controversy rocked Gov. Chris Christie’s administration and delivered a blow to his presidential ambitions, politicking and campaigning converged on an arm of state government that was supposed to work above the fray. Bridget Anne Kelly, a former top Christie aide, was charged with federal crimes Friday for…
MORRIS COUNTY — 72 students graduated from Morris County Law Enforcement Development Course on Monday, April 27.
The Law Enforcement Development Course is a 10-week course for college students interested in developing a career in law enforcement.
The course is a cooperative venture of the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the county’s Department of Law and Public Safety and the New Jersey Community Affairs Officers Association in partnership with colleges, universities and law enforcement groups throughout New Jersey.
Participants were introduced to the work of law enforcement to broaden their perspectives and understanding of the criminal justice system and to better understand what it takes to enter the field of law enforcement.
“The image of a law enforcement officer, for many, is formed by what they see on television or in the movies,” Kathy DeFillippo said. “The students who take this career development course will soon learn their perception of what it’s like to be a law enforcement officer is not reality.”
“This course was truly amazing, very informative and fun, and I got to meet some real professional law enforcement officers and build relationships with them and with the other students in the class as well, said Nicolas Limanov, one of the graduates. “I learned some neat tricks on how to stand out at an interview and what a perfect resume should look like. And best of all it was all for free because of the so many volunteers from various agencies who took the time out of their busy schedules to come and teach us. Special Thanks to William Schievella for all your hard work in putting together and running this program and the Morris County Freeholders as well for having this in the budget,” he said.
The Law Enforcement Career Development Course is a highly competitive program that was created in 2010, and it is the first of its kind in New Jersey. The course is recommended for college students interested in criminal justice, social sciences, and justice studies, as well as those students who are undecided but have an interest in pursuing careers in the field of legal justice.
Students got a closer look at law enforcement by being exposed to practical scenarios and hands-on instruction.
“The hands-on instruction given to the students is the critical component of this course,” said Freeholder Doug Cabana, the freeholder board’s liaison to Law and Public Safety. “It provides the students with exposure to the real world of law enforcement to help them determine if this career field is right for them.”
The Law Enforcement Career Development Course covered topics ranging from domestic violence, mock crime scenes and defensive tactics to dressing for success, health and wellness and preparing for the written and psychological exams.
The Morris County Public Safety Training Academy is located at 500 West Hanover Ave. in Parsippany.
Butler Police Chief Ciro Chimento, Susan Hunter, Sheriff Department, William Schievella and Phil DiGavero
William Schievella with Nicolas Limanov at the graduation ceremony
Susan Hunter with Nicolas Limanov
Nicolas Limanov with Parsippany-Troy Hills Lt. Yvonne Christiano
William Schievella holding Nicolas Limanov’s certificate
Parsippany residents graduating the class: Aafon Bauer, Samara Forbes, Ali Iabal, Gbunuguo Kassor, Courtney Terwaarbeek, Donna Herbst, Veda Mayers and Nicolas Limanov
US Attorney Paul Fishman has 1000 ways to say “no comment.” As US Attorney for New Jersey Paul Fishman held what was perhaps the most high profile press conference of his tenure to announce charges against three allies of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in the investigation into the George Washington Bridge lane closures, the buttoned-down,…
A 21-year-old South Korean student from New Jersey was arrested on charges of illegally entering North Korea, the North’s official news agency said Saturday. Korean Central News Agency identified the New York University student as Won Moon Joo and said he was taken into custody April 22 after crossing the Amnok River from Dandong, China. Joo…
PARSIPPANY — In its latest legal bid to halt the demolition of the old Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital, a preservation group’s new lawsuit contends a historic gas plant located on the hospital grounds means the hospital’s main Kirkbride Building may not be torn down. Preserve Greystone has filed a lawsuit citing a rule requiring that “any…
The church was organized on April 14, 1963 with the name of First Baptist Community Church of Parsippany, NJ.
The vision of thechurch shall be to live as an inclusive community of faith, embracing people from all cultural backgrounds and demonstrating that …Christ is our peace who has made us one, and has broken down the dividing wall of hostility…Ephesians 2:14.
There was a large assortment of clothing, housewares, books, electronics and more
There was a large assortment of clothing, housewares, books, electronics and more
Rev. Dr. Stacie Turk (right) with Church volunteers Jeffrey Haynes, Sandy Cosseos, Tina Smith, Sandra Venable and Janette Walker.
The Fifth Grade Class at Lake Parsippany School washing cars
PARSIPPANY — Lake Parsippany Fifth Graders held a car wash on Saturday, May 2 at the Parsippany Elks No. 2078 located at 230 Parsippany Road. The students were raising money for their upcoming graduation from Lake Parsippany School. In September the students will be attending Brooklawn Middle School
The Fifth Grade Class at Lake Parsippany School washing cars
The Fifth Grade Class at Lake Parsippany School washing cars
5th Grader holding the sign promoting the event
The Fifth Grade Class at Lake Parsippany School washing cars
The Fifth Grade Class at Lake Parsippany School washing cars
The Fifth Grade Class at Lake Parsippany School washing cars
PARSIPPANY — Spencer Savings Bank, 1699 Littleton Road, held a grand opening celebration on Saturday, April 24 with lots of fun and promotional offers, iPad raffles, giveaways for everyone in the family.
The main attraction was “Foobie” the friendly talking robot. Hurricane Hank and Jinxx entertained the children by making balloon figures. Terry Carr, WDHA, Radio Personality was at the event meeting people, had games and prizes and was on the air inviting everyone to the event.
In the morning they served breakfast items, including bagels, fruit salad, coffee and more… then around lunch time they turned the menu into sliders or burgers or vegetable burgers, chicken, salad, and other assorted hot items.
Spencer Savings Bank had “goodie” bags filled with gifts for everyone attending.
The new branch is located at 1699 Littleton Road, in the Mack Cali Business Campus.
Their lobby is open Monday thru Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Drive through is open Monday thru Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Thursday and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
WDHA Radio Personality Terry Carr being entertained by Foobie
Hurricane Hank with Lauren
Hurricane Hank with Rehanna and Piqz Syed
Hurricane Hank with Weichert Realtor’s Linda Bronfman
Lauren Tavares, Cyndy O’Malley and Branch Manager Afroza Patel
The staff at Spencers Saving Bank
Mike Bufis and Terry Carr from WDHA Radio
Rehana and Riqz Syed with Foobie
Hurricane Hank and Jinxx with 3-1/2 year old Ryan Leslie
Spencer Savings Bank is a full service, mutually owned and operated, community bank headquartered in Elmwood Park. For more than 100 years, Spencer has been maintaining its distinct image of trust, security and commitment to our customers.
Their strong reputation stands out among our competition. By providing a unique and personal approach to banking, we are able to service our customers with an exceptional level of care that can rarely be found at larger banks. They understand the importance of getting to know you as a customer. They focus on providing value, convenience, and personal attention to each and every individual. By taking the time to understand your needs, we become partners in the success of your business and personal financial goals.
Spencer has grown over the years to now operate twenty branch offices throughout North Jersey. Their management team of seasoned bankers leads more than 265 dedicated employees in delivering premier banking services. With their roots as a community bank, they proudly support local business and workforce initiatives in the market areas that we serve, in addition to numerous civic groups, charitable organizations and youth programs.