Dear Editor:

After seeing the articles regarding the witch hunt against Councilman Musella over a routine traffic stop that happened almost 2 years ago, I should do my research on the ethical past of the leaders of this public lynching. Let’s start with Council President Carifi, who by trade is a police officer. Does Councilman Carifi give out PBA cards to people? What’s the purpose of him doing this? How many cards has he given out that have resulted in people not paying tickets? He should be asked this at the next council meeting, and explain publicly if he participates in this practice.
Parking that aside, if we take a trip down memory lane, who can forget the decades-long lawsuit between the Barberio-Inglesino administration and Councilman Carifi’s brother. When Councilman Carifi ran for mayor against Barberio, he at the time said that the lawsuit was “politically motivated” and Barberio countered that Carifi’s criticisms were unethical at the time and may have risen to the level of official misconduct. Who said this “time and time again, Jamie Barberio resorts to unscrupulous schemes to ascertain an easy campaign victory”? You’d be wrong if you thought it was Musella because this was Councilman Carifi’s words!
Onto Councilman Neglia, who is running for Council alongside candidate Jigar Shah (not “Mr. Patel,” as Neglia hysterically called his running mate at the March 3rd meeting), has not publicly addressed his role in the absentee ballot fraud debacle that took place a few election cycles ago. Even more, there is the rumor that maybe others should investigate Councilman Neglia giving PBA cards so others could get out of speeding incidents.
Lastly, there’s a proverbial all-you-can-eat buffet of ethical issues Mayor Barberio and his handler John Inglesino have faced over the two decades of their involvement in public life. Most concerning was Mayor Barberio’s turning a blind eye to his pal Inglesino in representing the developers and the township for six 30-year agreements representing hundreds of millions of dollars in missed taxes for the Township and School Board.
I agree with all of the people that protested the censure and drafting of ethics charges against Councilman Musella: keep the debate on the issues and not on the sh*t nobody cares about.
Debbie Nemerovich