PARSIPPANY — Popular Halloween costumes may change every year, but over the past few decades, trick-or-treating has stayed essentially the same: Grab a pillowcase and some friends, then go door-to-door threatening your neighbors to give you something good to eat or face the wrath of your stinky feet. Or so the saying goes.

Over the past few years a trend has bubbled up in cities nationwide, particularly in Parsippany where you may not know your neighbors very well—or the houses are so far apart that by the time the kids have hit house No. 4, everyone’s ready to call it a night. It’s called Trunk-or-Treating, and the premise is simple: A bunch of residents, non-profit groups, and local businesses band together deck out their trunks with Halloween decorations like they’re starring in an episode of Pimp My Ride: Spooktacular Edition, and let their kids meander from car to car, collecting candy at each stop. This year, Trunk or Treat was held on Monday, October 31 at Veterans Park. Every child has to bring a bag of candy to enter the park, and members of Parsippany Park and Recreation distributed the candy to the vehicles.
If at first, this seems a little lackluster, just wait until you see all of the decorated cars. Some people really got into creating themed designs, such as the Adams Family, complete with the theme song playing, and the members pinching their fingers to every part of the song, that blow away most of the houses in a typical neighborhood. Simple beautiful vehicles, like The Nest Family, Pediatric, and Prenatal Chiropractic, just decorate their vehicle with pumpkins and other Halloween decorations. Parsippany-Troy Hills Patrolman Ryan Tayor decorated his vehicle as a “Police Vehicle” with police line tape, not to cross. The variations were endless.
The children in the hundreds strolled Veterans Park and collected bags of candy.