PARSIPPANY — Plans by a developer to demolish the 33,736 square foot office building at 169 Johnson Road and replacing the structure with an 87-unit-three-story over a one-story parking garage. The existing two-story office building is known as Brevent Plaza. The application was approved 5-2, with Mr. Mele and Mr. Aperawic voting against the project.

The applicant, 169 Johnson Road, LLC. received approval for preliminary and final major site plan approval to construct the proposed four-story building at the Planning Board Meeting of December 21, 2020. The project was approved in the Parsippany-Troy Hills Fair Share Housing Center.

The complex will include 69 market-priced units and 18 affordable housing units.
The existing office building was constructed in 1982. The property is located on Block: 200 Lot: 8.
In April 2019, the Township executed a settlement agreement with the Fair Share Housing Center, to resolve litigation regarding Parsippany’s Prior and Third Round fair share affordable housing obligations. The agreement, which was accepted by the Court at a fairness hearing on June 21, 2019, sets forth the extent of the Township’s obligations and describes the compliance plan components by which Parsippany proposes to address those obligations. Part of this obligation has already been achieved in prior rounds, while other housing plan components will be undertaken through July 1, 2025, the end of the Third Round.
The Settlement Agreement identifies the following fair share obligations for the Township for the period from 1987 through July 1, 2025:
● Present Need (Rehabilitation Share): 190 units
● Prior Round (1987-1999) Obligation: 664 units
● Third Round (1999-2025) Obligation: 1,314 units
To watch the Planning Board meeting click here.