PARSIPPANY — Howard Gordon, Former Lieutenant Governor District 9 Kiwanis Club of New Jersey read the oath of office to Karen DeChristopher as President of Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany at it’s annual installation dinner held on Monday, October 1.

The new officers serving the Kiwanis Year 2018-2019 are: Karen DeChristopher, President; Dr. Susan Elin, President-Elect; Joseph Weisberg, Vice President; Connie Keller, Treasurer; Karen Gajewski, Secretary; and Frank Cahill, Immediate Past President and President of Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany.

Outgoing Club President Frank Cahill said “At the beginning of this new Kiwanis year, remember why you joined Kiwanis and why you remain a member today. Remember Kiwanis moments throughout the year. Remember the smiles of the kids you are helping. Kiwanis clubs all around the world give children opportunities for success. We do this because every child deserves the right to thrive, prosper and grow.”

“Now that my term is over, I am pleased that I served such a wonderful organization and was able to make a different in our community. I have met so many wonderful people, made so many friends and enjoyed every minute of it. I promise that I will continue to work with our new President, Karen DeChristopher. Thank you for allowing me to be your President. Remember, Kids need Kiwanis,” said Cahill.

In accepting the gavel from Frank Cahill, new club President Karen DeChristopher said “First, I would like to thank all of you and our special guests for attending tonight’s installation dinner honoring our new officers and directors. I am truly honored and humbled to serve as your President for this coming year. One of the great things I have gotten from this club over the years is the opportunity to be surrounded by so many outstanding individuals and creating lasting friendships, all while continuing with the legacy of this great Club.”
“I look forward to an exciting year, I can tell you that my vision for the new year is one that I did not think about lightly…I asked myself some important questions in order to form my goals…I thought where do I want this club to be in the future, how it will be regarded, and what impact will it have on the community …a successful club not only brings in new members but also inspires them to become a united group of service minded people. Our kids and community need Kiwanis…and who better than this club to show them how it’s done. As most of you know, we sponsor ten Elementary School K-Kid Clubs, two Middle School Builders Clubs, two High School Key Clubs, an Aktion Club, and a Seton Hall Circle K Club. All of these clubs and their programs support several hundred of our community’s young leaders, some of whom may very well become members of this club some day,” she continued.
“I want to Inspire you to get involved in our service projects, help in our efforts to raise awareness on important issues, participate in club fundraisers, and learn what our kids clubs are doing. It is important to not only help our community but can also to steer our future leaders in the right direction. I would like this us to impact the
She continued “My vision for the 2018-2019 Kiwanis year is to “Inspire Members Through Unity & Service.” I would be remiss if I didn’t thank my friend, our Past President, and newly elected Foundation President, Frank Cahill for his leadership, guidance and support, in his year as President. On behalf of the club, I would like to present you with this gift in appreciation of your outstanding service and leadership to our club.”