MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris Area Coalition for Education and Positive Choices is rapidly becoming a household name in Morris County. Word is spreading about the many initiatives being instituted by this unique, powerful group that provides the community with facts and information in the fight against drug and alcohol abuse. Everyone is quickly realizing the benefit to families when they sign-on. The importance of introducing kids to new activities and promoting substance-free events that keep them occupied (such as sports, exercise, career days, teen dances and activities with law enforcement) is of paramount concern when it provides ways to uphold a child’s self-esteem. The Coalition is a pro-active team consisting of elected officials, law enforcement, educational leaders and concerned citizens who are up to date on the latest crazes and abuses that are plaguing our children. Law Enforcement Night will be held on Wednesday, March 7 starting at 7:00 p.m., at Mennen Arena, 161 East Hanover Avenue, Morristown.
Please join officers and police departments from all over the state at the Coalition’s Second Annual Law Enforcement Night. It is at this event that youngsters get to see firsthand how law enforcement officers are positive influences in our community. Law Enforcement Night has been known to further develop these relationships often providing career opportunities for teens who might not have ever considered such a path.
The equipment on display at this event is known to even awe adults. Never will one see such an array of machinery like this at one location. Kids are able to ride the horses provided by the Park Police, see the Morris County Hope Van, jump in helicopters, ambulances, emergency vehicles of every shape and size, wear riot gear, try on handcuffs and comingle with the law enforcement community in a fun atmosphere.
The important aspect to remember here is that law enforcement is trained to make these kids feel safe and important. Confidence and self-esteem go a long way in helping a child say no to his peers when the time arises.