PARSIPPANY — It is not too late to sign up for Parsippany Soccer Club summer camps being held in Parsippany the weeks of July 10, July 17 or July 24.
The 2017 Summer Camp is designed for all children ages and abilities. It’s for all male or female campers between the ages of 6-14 years old (8th grade). The focus of the camp is on technical development, while providing a fun atmosphere. Each day of camp focuses on a different technique in the morning followed by games in the afternoon.
Parsippany Soccer Club is to help develop and improve each camper’s technical ability and understanding of the game while also creating a competitive, fun environment that he/she can look forward to each day. They have assembled a staff of outstanding coaches who will train the campers to increase their soccer awareness, sharpen their skills, and increase their fitness. The coaches teach the game, but they do not over coach the game. Instead of trying to program a player’s every move on the field, our staff allows a player to play the game and make corrections with the hope that the player will learn to think out the game on his/her own.
Click here for brochure or click here to visit Parsippany Soccer Club website to register.