PARSIPPANY — Relay for Life of Central Morris County recently held its kick-off celebration at American Cancer Society Headquarters, 7 Ridgedale Avenue, Cedar Knolls. The attendees had a chance to learn about the opportunities about joining the 2017 Relay of Life event. They learned how to celebrate cancer survivors and caregivers, and how to remember those lost and how to “Make a Difference.” Relay for Life is looking for people to get involved. Cancer touches us all in one way or the other.
Relay for Life of Central Morris County encompasses support from eight towns: Parsippany-Troy Hills, Denville, Rockaway Borough, Wharton, Mountain Lakes, Rockaway Township, Dover and Randolph Township.

This year, the event will be held on Saturday, June 10 with registration starting at 2:00 p.m. and continues through Sunday, June 11 at 6:00 a.m. at Veteran Memorial Park, 1839 Route 46 at Vail Road, Parsippany. Western Pest Services is sponsoring the event.
As the nation’s largest fundraising event, Relay For Life of Central Morris County rallies families, friends, businesses, schools, hospitals, service and faith-based organizations in communities throughout Morris County and beyond and is asking you to participate in the event by: starting or joining a team, making a donation, sponsoring the event, purchasing a track sign or just coming out to show your support to those who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and by providing an opportunity for everyone to fight back against the disease. They are also looking for survivors and caregivers, as we would love for you to join us so that we can celebrate and honor you during our special Survivor activities and dinner, as well as during the Luminaria Ceremony.

In attendance was Parsippany-Troy Hills Mayor James Barberio, Rockaway Borough Mayor Russell Greuter, Randolph Township Mayor Christine Carey, Denville Mayor Thomas Andes, Denville Councilman Douglas N. Gabel, Parsippany Council Vice President Robert Peluso, Parsippany Council Candidates Casey Parikh and Brian Stanton, and Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Board Member Frank Cahill. Applebee’s of Parsippany provided the delicious food for the evening.
Council Gabel is the team captain of Denville Township Council Cruisers. To join Gabel’s team, click here.

The American Cancer Society Relay For Life movement is the world’s largest and most impactful fundraising event to end cancer. It unites communities across the globe to celebrate people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and take action to finish the fight once and for all. With the support of thousands of volunteers like you, the American Cancer Society is helping save more than 500 lives a day. Please join us and take action against a disease that has taken too much!

For more information about getting involved, making a donation, sponsoring the event and/or purchasing a track sign, contact Karen DeChristopher, Event Co-Chair, at Visit their website by clicking here or like their Facebook page for event details.

The American Cancer Society is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.