PARSIPPANY — Daniel Bamert officially met all the requirement of “Eagle” on March 6, 2016.
Daniel earned 27 merit badges to earn Eagle, although only 21 are required.
The required badges are Camping; Citizenship in the Community; Citizenship in the Nation; Citizenship in the World; Communications; Cooking; Lifesaving; Environmental Science; Family Life; First Aid; Personal Management; Personal Fitness and Swimming. He didn’t stop there.
Daniel earned the additional six elective merit badges. He earned a total of 27 badges. The required badges were Camping, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the World, Communications, Citizenship in the Nation, Cooking, Lifesaving, Environmental Science, Family Life, First Aid, Personal Management, Personal Fitness and Swimming. In addition Daniel earned Fishing, Nature, Scholarship, Reading, Wood Carving, Reptile and amphibians, Fingerprinting, Leatherworking, Basketry, Metalwork, Pottery, Robotics, Shotun and Railroading.
Daniel’s brother, Alex,officially finished all the requirements of Eagle on October 23, 2014.
Daniel is a graduate of Parsippany High School – Class of 2016 and will be attending Rowan University in the fall.

His project was building a picnic area at Parsippany High School for the seniors. They were allowed to go out for lunch but there was no place for them to sit. He ran a project that built four eight foot picnic tables with benches attached. Four free standing four foot benches and put four planters to decorate the area. All the pieces were stained and the area has been much appreciated by the school, especially the seniors and Principal Dr. Denis Mulroony. Daniel had 38 people help build and transport the project and there were 273.75 man hours put into it. He raised $1340 to build the project. He also had donations/ discounts from Cerbos Lumber and Ricciardi Brothers.

The Eagle Scout Award is Scouting’s highest rank and among its most familiar icons. Men who have earned it count it among their most treasured possessions. Those who missed it by a whisker remember exactly which requirement they didn’t complete. Americans from all walks of life know that being an Eagle Scout is a great honor. The award is more than a badge. It’s a state of being. The Eagle Scout may have received the badge as a boy, but you earn it every day as a man. In the words of the Eagle Scout Promise, they do your best each day to make their training and example, their rank and their influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship in the troop, in their community, and in their contacts with other people. And to this they pledge their sacred honor.
Also at the reception, Daniel gave Kris Hawkins his neckerchief slide. Dan received the neckerchief slide from Mr. Mack, the slide originally belonged to his son and he wanted Dan to have it as a sign of good will or luck. Dan wanted to pass it on to a younger scout and choose Kris. Dan said “I gave it to Kris because I see him as becoming a leader in the troop and accomplishing great things.”
Since its introduction in 1911, the Eagle Scout rank has been earned by more than two million young men. Only 4% of the Boy Scouts actually earn this rank.
Requirements include earning at least 21 merit badges and demonstrating Scout Spirit through the Boy Scout Oath and Law, service, and leadership. This includes an extensive service project that the Scout plans, organizes, leads, and manages. Eagle Scouts are presented with a medal and a badge that visibly recognizes the accomplishments of the Scout.