blockquote>PARSIPPANY — Parsippany High School students Josh Levine, Michael Colasuano, Tyler Leon, Ryan Weiss, Sarah Waffenfeld, Jeff Wear and Lilian Tran were honored and received a “Peer Buddy Award.”
Peer Buddies began at Parsippany High School in 2005 with four members. The goal was to help a newly formed class of of multiply disabled students integrate into the high school setting. Currently they have 35 members from the general education and multiply disabled population who range in age from fourteen to twenty. As club members, these students hold regular meeting and fundraisers.
Peer Buddies also assist multiply disabled students in academic activities such as preparing for the DECA Regional Competition and using computer programs in health class.Peer Buddies participate in job exploration activities which include filling out applications, mock interviews, and simulated job skills.