PARSIPPANY — Kafe Mozart, 2900 Route 10 West, Powder Mill West Shopping Center, joined with Greater Parsippany Kiwanis Club “April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month.”
The pinwheels represent our commitment to safe, healthy childhoods for all children in our community.
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Parsippany is participating in the annual Pinwheels For Prevention event. Karen DeChristopher, Young Children Priority One, has placed signs and pinwheels throughout Parsippany. These pinwheels represent abused children of Parsippany-Troy Hills.
Why Pinwheels for Prevention? For decades, market research consistently has shown that the public views child abuse and neglect as a serious problem. As a national organization whose mission is “to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation’s children,” Kiwanis’ emphasis is to transform that awareness into action. We now have that opportunity through the pinwheel, which reminds us of childlike notions and stands for the chance at the healthy, happy and full lives all children deserve.
Kiwanis views this as part of their mission statement “changing the world one child and one community at a time” When you drive throughout Parsippany and see these pinwheels, take time to reflect on all the abused children in the world.