Full Name: Michael J. dePierro
Office Seeking: Parsippany Township Council
Party lines: Republican
Campaign website: ParsippanyWins2015.com
Facebook Page: facebook.com/dePierro and Gragnani
What community do you live in? We live in Rickland Village which is East of North Beverwyck Road and South of Vail Road.
How long have you lived there? We have lived in Parsippany for over 50 years.
How old are you? I am 76 years old.
Provide family information: Dee and I recently celebrated our 55th Anniversary. Our three children and ten grandchildren all live within an hour’s drive. Our grandchildren range in ages from 28 down to 11.
What is your education background? I have an Electrical Engineering degree from Fairleigh Dickenson University. I completed many technical courses required by the Bell System, and others while on active duty in the Air Force.
Why do you think you are qualified for this position? I have served Parsippany as an elected official for over 38 years. All of my decisions have been based upon quality of life issues. When Money Magazine rated Parsippany as the “Best small city to live in New Jersey”, they considered the eight categories that I base my decision upon; property taxes, home values, population growth, land development, employment, crime rate, school performance, and proximity to services. I have been a part of the collective wisdom that shaped our Township. I am the only elected official in Parsippany to be inducted into the New Jersey State League of Municipalities “Elected Officials Hall of Fame”. My record is one of accomplishment.
Why are you running for this elected office? Our work is not done. New challenges are on the horizon that jeopardize our quality of life in Parsippany.
What are the three issues that most concern you? Actually, there are four issues that concern me. (1) New Supreme Court mandates for low and moderate income housing; (2) Office Vacancy Rates; (3) Our infrastructure (Sewer Plant; Water Plant; Roads; Parks; etc.); and continued support for our Volunteers.
Explain your proposed approach to managing these issues. Parsippany’s obligation (1) to build low and moderate income housing depends upon the available space that we have. The more space that we have, the more housing that we must allow. For example, the 26 acre Waterview Tract … either that will be developed with a Whole Foods store and five smaller stores combined with 9.5 acres of open space (with no apartments and no school children), or it will be developed with 600 apartments, 120 of which will be low and moderate income (and however many school children that will generate). (2) We must help and support Commercial property owners to make their properties more attractive to potential clients. One example could be allowing an office complex to open a Day Care Center in their complex. Imagine how many educated and trained mothers with small children that employers could attract if they could offer free childcare services at their location. We must be open minded and supportive of new proposals to fill our vacant offices. (3) Even though we have upgraded the processing of sewerage with the resultant significant savings in electrical costs, the remainder of the plant also be maintained and upgraded including the Catch Basin, the Electrical System, and the pumps and blowers. Water Towers, Wells, pumps, and water pipes must be maintained. The many miles of Roads that the Township is responsible for must be maintained, plowed and cleaned on a scheduled basis. All of our many parks must be maintained and kept safe for our children’s use. Our Volunteers constantly need to upgrade old equipment and replace supplies. We need to support them in every way that we can.
Have you held elected office before? In addition to the 32 years that I have served as a Councilman, I have also served on the Parsippany School Board for six years. While on the school board, I also served as President of the Morris County School Boards Association.
What organizations do you belong to? I am a Life Member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10184; a Life member of the American Legion Post 249; a 42 year member of the Parsippany Rotary Club (and two-time Past President); a Trustee of Craftsman Farms; Planning Board member for 22 years; Sons of Italy (Chairman of the Scholarship Committee); Open Space Committee; Knoll Country Club Advisory Committee; Little League East, Little League West and Parsippany Soccer team sponsor for the past 32 years; Fairleigh Dickenson University Alumni Association; National Notary Association; the Association of Government Accountants; the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; Phi Beta Gamma (a National Executive Honor Society); and Parishioner of St. Ann Church (Door Hospitality and Golf Committee).