Full Name: Loretta Ann Gragnani
Office Seeking: Parsippany Troy-Hills Town Council
Party lines: Regular Republican Organization
Campaign website: ParsippanyWins2015.com
Facebook Page: Facebook.com/ParsippanyWins
What community do you live in? Rickland West
How long have you lived there? 47 Years
How old are you? Gentleman do not ask ladies their age.
Provide family information (married, single, children and ages). Married to Adam; two sons, Andrew 49, Peter 43
What is your education background? I am a partner in a kitchen and bath establishment in Parsippany Township; Ongoing education in new technology, building codes and design concepts; Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn, NY
Why do you think you are qualified for this position? I work with people every day making decisions regarding their budget needs as to best cost, least cost for their project(s). As a member of the Finance Council of St. Ann Church we make budget decisions that affect the overall operations of our parish always keeping in mind what will best serve our parishioners.
I am currently a member of the Township Board of Adjustment serving since 2006 where decisions are made not only for the residents but our township.
Why are you running for this elected office? I want to get more involved in the decision making process that will affect this Township and its residents. I love this town and would like to help protect the quality of life that we have come to enjoy.
What are the three issues that most concern you?
- Court mandated low income and affordable housing
- Reduce the office vacancy level in our township to increase our ratable base
- Support our volunteers
Explain your proposed approach to managing these issues.
- Land that is available now (i.e. – Waterview Site). Should this parcel not be developed there is an application pending before the Parsippany Board of Adjustment with the possibility of 120 affordable units being built and placing a strain on educational and town services.
- Encourage owners of commercial properties to enhance the exterior and interior of their buildings to attract new tenants.
- The service that our volunteers provide are essential to our township.
- I have worked with our volunteers during Hurricane Irene and witnessed the day to day relief that they provided to our residents. If we were to pay for these services our taxes would have to increase significantly.
Have you held elected office before? No
What organizations do you belong to?
- Morris County Women’s Republican Club
- Parsippany Republican Club Member and Secretary
- Stickley Museum at Craftsman Farms Development Committee
- Lake Hiawatha Business Association
- National Kitchens and Bath Association (NKBA)