PARSIPPANY — The Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association held a meeting on Monday, August 3 to explore the feasibility of assessing all Lake Parsippany residents. Over the past five years there has been a decline in membership.
Of the 56 voting members in attendance they voted 49-7 to allocate $1,080 to hire Attorney Eileen Borne, from Dolan and Dolan to explore the feasibility of an assessment.
It is estimated to have 443 current members, about 300 households from Lake Parsippany and another 143 from out of the borders of the lake.
The nuts and bolts have not been worked out, the overlying premise is the maintenance (water quality, tree removal, etc) would be part of the assessment, which gives you no right to the lake. To use the lake you would need to pay the annual recreation fee.
The assessment would affect approximately 2,000 plus homes within the borders of Lake Parsippany.
The basic premises is that in order to recap the benefit you need to help with the burden. The concept is often referred to as “Fair Share.”
“In a memo released by the LPPOA they stated “We know that all of us have many unanswered questions such as how much will it cost. At this time we do not know. However, as we go through this process we will keep the membership informed. Each lake that has transitioned had its own unique obstacles and as a Board we simply cannot use the other lakes as an absolute model. All of your questions will be noted; however we cannot answer any of them at this time. Should you come up with any questions, please feel free to email,” stated the Board of Directors.
Currently the membership to join the lake for a family is $460.00. Junior membership is $120.00 and a single membership is $265.00 and a senior membership is $120.00. (note: there are discounts for early bird specials).
Most recently transitioned are Lake Arrowhead and Intervale. Glacier Hills Pool is in the process now and Rainbow Lakes is beginning an investigation as well.
Correction: Previous version of this story referred to the assessment as a tax assessment, the word tax was deleted from the story.