MORRIS COUNTY — The Morris County Board of Freeholders honored Patty Sly, the longtime President and Chief Executive Officer of JBWS – Jersey Battered Women’s Service – for more than a decade of exemplary leadership at the helm of an organization that is invaluable to women and families in the county.
Sly departed JBWS at the end of March to tackle a new challenge.
“You have done so much for so many people, especially for victims of domestic violence. Your dedication to some of our most at-risk has been remarkable,’’ said Freeholder Director Doug Cabana.
“From our hearts, the freeholders want to present you with this resolution of thanks,’’ added Freeholder Cabana.

“Patty has been a great partner with Morris County, and was integral to the creation of the Morris Family Justice Center, which offers vital assistance to many dozens of families each month in a safe and secure environment right here in the County Administration and Records Building in Morristown,’’ added Freeholder Kathy DeFillippo, the county governing board’s liaison on human services.
Joining Sly at last night’s ceremony at the Freeholder Board’s meeting in Morristown was JBWS’s Board Chairwoman and Interim President and CEO Judy O’Hagan.
Under Sly’s leadership, JBWS strengthened its core services for domestic abuse victims, which include a 24-hour hotline; counseling; safe house; transitional living; children’s services; life skills education; vocational counseling; batterers’ intervention; legal assistance; teen dating violence services; and professional training, education and youth prevention programs.
She also managed the agency through the major recession of the early 2000s and then grew the organization by 50 percent, doubling the number of donors and expanding client programs.
In addition, JBWS in recent years has expanded programs for children and increased services to the Spanish-speaking community, human trafficking victims, and affluent victims of abuse, and introduced a model program to assess the level of danger in abuse cases.
Patty Sly has taken a position at the P.G. Chambers School in Hanover Township. It offers comprehensive education and therapy programs for children with disabilities, from birth through 22 years of age.
The school’s mission extends to the school’s state-of-the-art early education programs for young children with and without disabilities, six weeks to five years of age, in the school’s inclusive child care program.